
North America

Bernie Sanders announces candidacy for US presidency

Por Brasil de Fato The candidate is gaining momentum with progressive agendas and direct attacks on Donald Trump’s far-right policies. Senator Bernie Sanders confirmed his candidacy for the presidency of the United States on Tuesday (19), calling on the population…

The Movement And The 2020 Elections

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The political system in the United States is a plutocracy, one that works for the benefit of the wealthy, not the people. Although we face growing crises on multiple fronts – economic insecurity,…

Hunger Strike Continues into 7th Week on day of Trump’s Visit to El Paso

The “El Paso 9” continue their hunger strike into the 7th week at the El Paso Processing Center. Nine of 11 Sikh asylum seekers are being violently force-fed by ICE staff and late last week all nine were thrown into…

Dear Humanity, I Think We Should Just Be Friends

Friends, fellow inhabitants of planet Earth, I’m not breaking up with you. I just think maybe we ought to see other species for a while. You like dogs, right? I’ve spent so many years trying to talk with you, and…

Trump’s state of emergency: A step towards presidential dictatorship

By Patrick Martin President Trump’s proclamation of a state of national emergency on the southern US border is a frontal assault on constitutional norms and democratic rights in America. It is the first time in American history that a president…

Inside the Neoliberal Laboratory Preparing for the Theft of Venezuela’s Economy

By Justin Podur (1)   As we watch a U.S.-backed coup unfold in a distant country, as in Venezuela today, our eyes are drawn to the diplomatic, military, and economic elements of the U.S. campaign. The picture of a scowling…

Face 2 Face with M. P. Diederich

On this show we speak with M.P. Diederich about his Sci-Fi and Horror short stories. M.P. says “Writing is more like a way of being instead of something I do; it is intrinsic to who I am.” We closed the…

TAKE ACTION: Strike a blow against corporate power in 2019

Under ISDS corporations and the rich have sued governments for billions of euros – for anything from introducing health warnings on cigarettes to banning dirty oil drilling. Citizens, campaigners and social movements are uniting in 2019 to put an end…

In Venezuela, White Supremacy is a Key to Trump’s Coup

originally published on Truthout, February 7, 2019   On January 23, right after a phone call from Donald Trump, Juan Guaidó, former speaker of Venezuela’s National Assembly, declared himself president. No voting. When you have official recognition from The Donald, who needs elections? Say what? I…

Immigrant Solidarity Network: An Open Letter to Democrats

Letter published by the Jackson Heights Immigrant Solidarity Network In recent days, we’ve heard prominent Democrats talking about the need for the Party to prove that it’s “strong on border security.” Some Democratic politicians have actually advocated letting Donald Trump…

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