
North America

Brexit Britain’s weakness exposed in US trade deal documents

Michael Plouffe, UCL for The Conversation The US has published its objectives for a proposed trade agreement with the UK – and its thinking highlights just how weak Britain’s bargaining position will be in the post-Brexit global economy. The US…

Face 2 Face with Julia Lee Barclay Morton

On this show we speak with Julia Lee Barclay-Morton, Ph.D., writer, director, artist, and teacher, about how the structure and content of theater works can be considered political. For Julia, theater is not fixed but rather an open place for…

Regime Change Via Sanctions? U.S. Uses International Finance System to Strangle Venezuelan Economy

Venezuelan officials say power will be largely restored in the country today after a week-long blackout across much of the country. The cause of the blackout remains in dispute. The United States blamed it on years of neglect of the…

Glenn Greenwald: Chelsea Manning’s Refusal to Testify Against WikiLeaks Will Help Save Press Freedom

Chelsea Manning has been sent back to jail after refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. Manning, a U.S. Army whistleblower, had been subpoenaed by federal prosecutors in Virginia’s Eastern District to…

How Not to Go to War

By David Swanson If you saw a book in Barnes and Noble called “How Not to Go to War,” wouldn’t you assume it was a guide to the proper equipment every good warrior should have when they head off to…

The Conflict of Our Time: U.S. Imperialism vs the Rule of Law

By Nicolas J S Davies The world faces many overlapping crises: regional political crises from Kashmir to Venezuela; brutal wars that rage on in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia; and the existential dangers of nuclear weapons, climate change, and mass…

Brave Heart: The Unrelenting Courage of Chelsea Manning

By Mary Metzger It takes a lot of courage to be who and what you are when who or what you are contradicts the values of your society.   Thus, even under the best of circumstances it takes a lot of…

How young activists turned the old idea of a Green New Deal into a powerful movement

Nick Engelfried  March 5, 2019 Last week over 250 young people converged on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office in Washington, D.C. for a sit-in marking one of the latest escalations in the youth-led campaign for a Green New Deal. The…

Face 2 Face with Cinzia Arruzza

On this show we speak with Cinzia Arruzza from the International Women’s Strike USA about the events happening on March 8 in different latitudes in celebration of the International Women’s Day. 

Venezuelan President Maduro Blames U.S. Sabotage for Massive Blackout

In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro is blaming the U.S. government for a prolonged power outage that plunged most of the country into darkness Thursday. Maduro says anti-government saboteurs backed by the U.S. took the nation’s main hydroelectric power station at…

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