
North America

The Secretary of the Navy Lied to Congress

Read this article from Friday: “Do U.S. High Schools Bar Military Recruiters? Activists Try to Call Pentagon’s Bluff.” It discusses the offer that Pat Elder and I made [Here’s that offer and video of Spencer lying] to award funding…

Anti-Nuclear Plowshares Activists Respond to Court’s Denial of Motion to Dismiss Charges

The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 anti-nuclear activists received the decision Friday evening from a federal magistrate denying their motions to dismiss the charges, including their motion under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The seven defendants, all Catholics, had testified with…

A fully automated society is science fiction: Michael Yates focuses on US labor

By Farooque Chowdhury May Day is one of the most important days to the exploited people. Michael D. Yates, director of Monthly Review Press and former Associate Editor of Monthly Review magazine, focuses on US labor and its movement in the following interview…

Military Uprising in Caracas (in Development)

April 30, 2019 ( – A military coup attempt is underway in Venezuela on Tuesday, April 30, with imprisoned right wing leader Leopoldo Lopez, and self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido and some members of the armed forces blocking a highway…

Jimmy Carter: US ‘Most Warlike Nation in History of the World’

The only US president to complete his term without war, military attack or occupation has called the United States “the most warlike nation in the history of the world.” During his regular Sunday school lesson at Maranatha Baptist Church in…

Economists Warn Trump’s Sanctions Targeting Venezuela

‘A Death Sentence for Tens of Thousands of People’ “It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.” by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams Two American economists warn that U.S. sanctions targeting Venezuela…

West’s misunderstanding of China explained in 4 minutes

Have you ever thought of why virtually everything you hear in the West about China is negative and judgemental? And that it builds exclusively on Western criteria, values and perspectives – and not on an attempt to understand China on…

Conversation with Poets in Observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day

By Jhon Sánchez April in New York City is the time to see the cherry blossom, carry an umbrella and prepare for Seder and Eastern. Before coming to New York, I had never participated in Seder, but every year now,…

Arresting Member of the Venezuelan Embassy Protection Collective Would Be Unlawful

It is after midnight in the Venezuela Embassy in Washington, DC and we expect the Secret Service and the DC police to come tomorrow to arrest and evict us on behalf of the illegal coup government they are trying to…

The Resistance Takes a Stand for Keeping Trump in Office

I’m old enough to remember when Nancy Pelosi was telling us that Trump would impeach himself. Now, Trump’s “not worth it,” as if impeachment is a favor you bestow on those most worthy. Jerrold Nadler is proposing to fine Trump for refusing to…

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