
North America

Life in Prison

If you’re free, if you’re not locked behind bars (and I do realize that this is true of a smaller percentage of people in the so-called Land of the Free than anywhere else on earth), be grateful. One thing you can do…

How to Avert the Impending War on Iran

The military is currently putting the breaks on the drive to war in Iran, says a former colonel and diplomat, but concerned citizens need to step up. By Eric StonerJune 18, 2019 Since coming to power, the Trump administration has…

Arctic Permafrost Melting 70 Years Sooner Than Expected

By Jan Wesner Childs Scientists studying climate change expected layers of permafrost in the Canadian Arctic to melt by the year 2090. Instead, it’s happening now. A new study published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters revealed that unusually warm…

A Conversation with Laurie Loewenstein

By Jhon Sánchez Summer is coming and even though I love the heat, sometimes I like the cold refreshing rain. I imagine myself walking along the rivulets and splashing water from the ponds. In the time of global warming, I…

Trump’s Promise to LGBTQ Community?

By David Breitkopf Donald Trump’s progressive record in office is—let’s just say—wanting. But his supporters are quick to point out his support of the LGBTQ community as one instance where he has come down on the right (or left) side…

Pressenza interviewed James Felton Keith

Pressenza interviewed James Felton Keith during our “Perspectives from Utopia“ event in NYC on June 7. James is running for a seat in New York’s 13th Congressional District with the commitment of establishing an Universal Basic Income.

Children Seeking Refuge Will Be Imprisoned at Fort Sill in July

A Call To Action: We cannot stand by when 1400 more asylum-seeking children from our southern border are going to be imprisoned at Fort Sill in July of 2019. This is the place where over 700 people of Japanese ancestry…

Study Finds U.S. Pentagon Emits More Greenhouse Gas Than Portugal

This comes as a new study by Brown University finds the U.S. military emits more greenhouse gases each year than many countries, including Sweden and Portugal. The study found that if the Pentagon were a country, its emissions would make…

Strange D-Day Celebrations: Mocking the Reasoned History

In the 17 th Chapter of the Bible – Saint Luke: it is written: The kingdom of God is within man Not one man, nor a group of men, but in all men; in you, the people. In Al-Qur’an, the…

The NRA’s Circular Firing Squad

By Danny Katch A civil war within the National Rifle Association has allowed us a look inside the supposedly all-powerful gun lobby. And it’s given us some good news: the NRA’s power has been wildly exaggerated. It can be defeated.…

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