
North America

Publishing Stolen Material: WikiLeaks, the DNC and Freedom of Speech

It may well be a finding of some implication should Julian Assange find his way into the beastly glory that is the US justice system.  In its efforts to rope in President Donald Trump’s election campaign, Wikileaks, Assange and the…

Poor Wittle CNN

“So, Senator Sanders, do you think that someone who’s profited from the current so-called healthcare system, like John Delaney, is qualified to tell you not to change it?” is a different sort of question from “So, Congressman Delaney, won’t good…

Abolish Terrorist Agencies

By David Swanson Every government on earth, beginning with the United States, should shut down and be done with secret agencies, spy agencies, agencies used for murder, torture, bribery, election-manipulation, and coups. While these agencies prevent the public from knowing…

Alaska Governor Demolishes Climate Research

By Robert Hunziker “The University of Alaska Fairbanks (“UAF”) is a hub for Arctic climate research, and a magnet for top scientists and international collaborations— and it’s in trouble.” (Source: Sabrina Shankman, A Death Spiral for Research: Arctic Scientists Worried…

A Melting Glacier in Your Mouth

Writing and photos by Johnny Atlas A melting glacier in your mouth. Elite bottled water for the rich. This is the world we are witnessing. The comic book Tank Girl come to life. Every morning I read the world news…

America and Pakistan in Search of Peace and Conflict Resolution

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD. Reflections on Today’s World of Politics President Trump and young looking Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan met this week at the White House. Trump is master to transform rhetoric into reality as he did to…

Southeast Asia Was Hit By a Record-Breaking Disaster; It Was Called the United States

In my town in the United States — as is not especially unusual — we have big memorials in prominent public places marking some of the most catastrophically immoral actions of the past. Unfortunately, all five of these major monuments…

Conversation with Maureen Brady

By Jhon Sánchez Recently, I read ‘Getaway’, a novel by Maureen Brady. In the story, Cookie escaped from her violent husband, and she tries to live under a new identity in Canada. Given the importance of the #Metoo Movement today,…

The US has a history of testing biological weapons on the public – were infected ticks used too?

Michelle Bentley, Royal Holloway for The Conversation The House of Representatives has instructed the Pentagon to disclose whether it used ticks to infect the American public with Lyme disease between 1950 and 1975. The allegation comes from Chris Smith, the…

We Only Need 12 million Americans for Transformative Change.

By David Andersson On a recent podcast entitled “How Only 3.5% of a Population Can Change Society, ” Sonali Kolhatkar interviewed Erica Chenoweth, co-author of the book Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict. The book describes…

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