
North America

U.S. doesn’t want dialogue: turns to economic terror and shows plan to impose its tutelage on Venezuela

Aram Aharonian* The blockade and the new sanctions that freeze all Venezuelan assets in U.S. territory, ordered by the regime of Donald Trump, is nothing more than another act of economic terrorism that seeks, in the first place, to break…

Federal Judge Hears Kings Bay Plowshares’ Motion to Dismiss Charges Under RFRA

The Kings Bay Plowshares 7 in federal court today made oral arguments concerning the denial of the pre-trial motions to dismiss the charges against them.  Appearing for the first time before Judge Lisa Godbey Wood, who will be the trial…

An Open Letter To The People Of Japan From Concerned Peace Organizations and Citizens of The United States

—In observance of the 74th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombings of Japan— We, the undersigned, representing a coalition of concerned peace organizations and citizens of the United States are advocating for abolition of nuclear weapons globally. We are gathering here,…

Hiroshima Unlearned: Time to tell the truth about US relations with Russia and finally ban the bomb

August 6th and 9th mark 74 years since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where only one nuclear bomb dropped on each city caused the deaths of up to 146,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 people in Nagasaki. Today,…

People in Venezuela are prepared for battle to defend the Bolivarian Revolution

By Farooque Chowdhury People in Venezuela shall defend the Bolivarian Revolution. To defend the land, the people are prepared for battle. This is the promise by the people in the land the revolution is moving forward with its transforming process.…

The Myths, the Silence, and the Propaganda That Keep Nuclear Weapons in Existence

By David Swanson Remarks in Poulsbo, Washington, August 4, 2019 This week, 74 years ago, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were each hit with a single nuclear bomb that had the power of a third to a half of…

US scrapping of INF treaty heightens threat of nuclear war

By Bill Van Auken Washington formally scrapped the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty Friday, bringing the world a major step closer to nuclear war. The treaty, signed over 30 years ago by US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail…

Puerto Rico Faces Succession Crisis as Disgraced Governor Resigns

Puerto Rican legislators have delayed a vote to confirm outgoing Governor Ricardo Rosselló’s possible successor. Rosselló, who has promised to step down today at 5 p.m., was forced to resign last week amid massive protests across Puerto Rico calling for…

Physicians for Social Responsibility opposes US withdrawal from the INF Treaty

We publish here the press release from Physicians for Social Responsibility in the USA on the day the INF treaty expired. “Such a withdrawal would turn back the clock to a dangerous era” Physicians for Social Responsibility firmly opposes President…

US Federal Court Exposes Democratic Party Conspiracy Against Assange and WikiLeaks

In a ruling published late Tuesday, Judge John Koeltl of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, delivered a devastating blow to the US-led conspiracy against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In his ruling, Judge Koeltl, a…

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