
North America

Trump vs. California: In Blow to Climate, U.S. Revokes State’s Stricter Auto Emissions Standards

California is in a legal battle with the Trump administration over tailpipe emissions, air quality and climate change. California recently joined nearly two dozen other states to file a lawsuit against the Trump administration after it revoked the state’s air…

Italy Should Make Friends with the U.S. Public and the World By Kicking Out the U.S. Military

By David Swanson In the late 1980s when I was a teenager and an exchange student in Bassano del Grappa I loved Italy for the same reasons I’ve loved it ever since, reasons that include natural and human-created and human…

Universal Basic Income is a game changer for writers. Come march with us for it!

For many decades now, the United States has been a very hard and inhospitable place to be a writer—there is virtually no support for our craft, despite the importance of having a populace that knows how to write. Many writers…

The Robots Are Not Coming

By Alex Howlett If you follow technology, you could be forgiven for believing that humanity is standing the precipice of a robot apocalypse. It’s only a matter of time before automation eliminates so many jobs that humans will simply no…

Greta Thunberg: Mobilizing Against the Empire

By Anandi Sharan What Greta Thunberg did is to mobilise the children who live in the Empire, the most powerful, the only, international Empire. The leaders of the Empire sit in Washington, in control of the most powerful military in…

Face 2 Face with Diane Pagen

On this show we speak with Diane Pagen with Basic Income NYC about universal basic income (UBI) and how that model of guaranteed income works. She also discusses the Basic Income March that will take place in NYC on Saturday,…

Change society to fight climate crisis or drown in rising sea level, warns UN report

By Countercurrents Collective A new report – Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, – warns: failure to fight out climate crisis will mean devastation for coastal cities, Arctic communities, small island states, anyone who relies on…

NYC: Income Savings Plan Program (ISP)

On the Department of Homeless Services proposal to amend the Rules of the City of New York to establish an income savings program for shelter residents with earned income, to be known as “ISP” or “Income Savings Plan Program” By…

‘How dare you’: Greta Thunberg’s powerful speech to the UN

By Countercurrents Collective Greta Thunberg, the young climate crisis activist on Monday opened the United Nations Climate Action Summit with an angry condemnation of world leaders for failing to take strong measures to combat climate crisis – “How dare you,” she…

Greta Thunberg and Artemisa Xakriabá, two young girls, one message.

How Dare You! Greta Thunberg Slams World’s Focus on Economic “Fairy Tales” While Ecosystems Collapse  Picture: Democracy Now! At the New York Climate Summit: “This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on…

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