
North America

Ambra Gutierrez Recorded Harvey Weinstein Admitting Sexual Assault in 2015. Why Wasn’t He Charged?

Irin Carmon is a senior correspondent for New York magazine who has followed the allegations against Harvey Weinstein. She just published her new profile on Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, a Filipina-Italian model who reported Weinstein to the New York Police Department…

Conversation with Maria Teresa Silva

By Jhon Sánchez This Saturday, I’m planning to watch Maria Teresa Silva’s new play, “Is There Such A Thing As True Love“?  I had the opportunity to talk to her. Thank you for granting this interview: JS: How do you…

Wet’suwet’en Houses launched a lawsuit argues Coastal GasLink pipeline violates Canada’s Paris Agreement

“As House Chief it is my responsibility to protect our House territory. We’re asking the Court to get Canada to act before it is too late,” said Hereditary Chiefs. Two Wet’suwet’en Houses launched, through their Hereditary Chiefs a legal challenge…

Senate Passes Resolution Limiting Trump’s War Powers Authority

The Senate voted 55 to 45 to pass a resolution limiting President Trump’s authority to attack Iran without congressional approval. The vote comes over a month after Trump ordered the targeted assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani at the Baghdad…

The 2nd World March in Latin America with its message of Peace and Nonviolence

Whilst the world has been bursting with bad news (Trump’s failed impeachment, Bolsonaro’s assault on Brazil’s human rights and the Amazon, pipelines, climate change and failure of climate discussions in Madrid, Australian fires, the Brexit debacle, Bolivia coup and descent…

NYC Council Hearing for Res. 0976 and Int. 1621 Public and Written Testimonies

New York City Council Hearing on Resolution 0976 – 2019  calling on the New York City Comptroller to instruct the pension funds of public employees in New York City to divest from and avoid any financial exposure to companies involved…

Why This Election Is Different

Elections, I think most of us can agree, usually bring out the idiocy, superficiality, and illogic in everyone who can muster any. Imagine supporting, as many did, Sanders and then Trump because they were both “outsiders.” On Tuesday, I heard…

Social tensions increase in Canada as blockades and protests calling for RCMP withdrawal from Wet’suwet’en territory

Near many cities in Canada First Nation people have been active setting up blockages on rail lines to show solidarity with the Wetsuwet’en First Nation. They are saying they will not be leaving the  rail lines blockages until the RCMP leaves…

Bernie Sanders Wins New Hampshire Primary

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has won the New Hampshire primary a week after he won the popular vote in Iowa. With 87% of precincts reporting, Sanders has 25.7% of the vote, narrowly beating former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg,…

Elementary and Secondary educators across Ontario will stand up against cuts to Public Education

On Friday, February 21, elementary and secondary teachers and education workers represented by the four major education unions in Ontario will stand up to the Ford government’s education cuts by participating in a one-day walkout across the province. Members of…

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