
North America

Did you know this about Iran and the coronavirus?

This is bad. Since February 19, when the first coronavirus cases were identified in Iran, at least 6,566 people—about one in every 12,000 Iranians—have been infected. At least 237 people have died. Iran is third, behind China and South Korea,…

Ban Parades Now

As I proposed before the CPAC meeting and will again now, there is a danger in large gatherings and a precedent of ignoring that danger to great detriment. The steps China has taken against the coronavirus (rapidly building new hospitals,…

Breathe: A Mask Wouldn’t Protect You Against Medical Bills

Why would someone be afraid to be in quarantine? I asked myself as I read the following question in Quora. But there are reasons to be afraid. First of all, the medical bills. The twenty-seven million uninsured Americans cause uncertainty…

When a Weapons Show Is Canceled By Coronavirus

Imagine a weapons show canceled because of coronavirus. It may already have happened. It’s certainly imaginable. But now try to imagine a coronavirus show canceled by a bomb threat. Can you picture a fossil fuel lobbyists’ retreat canceled by coronavirus?…

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. No bargaining dates set by government, ETFO take action Monday

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) will hold a media conference on Monday March 9 at 2:30 p.m. to announce its next phase of strike action. President Sam Hammond will discuss the fact that ETFO is still waiting for…

Sanders Unveils Plan to Address GOP Attacks on Reproductive Rights and the Black Maternal Mortality Crisis

“There has been no time in the history of this country when women, especially Black women, have had the reproductive freedom and justice that they deserve. In my administration, that will finally change.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer – Common…

Make Your Choice: Medicare, or Coronavirus, For All

“My co-workers make impossible choices daily because a lot of us don’t have access to affordable health insurance,” Vladimir Clairjeune, a passenger service representative at JFK airport, said at a training session Wednesday, learning to deal with the coronavirus/COVID-19 epidemic.…

If Biden Wins the Primary, Disaster Awaits (In 5 Points)

1) Donald Trump is a bully. It’s what Donald Trump does. This is his “gift”. 2) Bernie Sanders, who is as sharp and on his game as ever, has been standing up to bullies ALL HIS LIFE. It’s what Sanders…

Understanding Presence: International Women’s Day 2020 – #EachforEqual

By j.jill The March fifth NY Times article captions, Women’s Unpaid Labor is Worth $10,900,000,000,000 (G.Wezerek, K.Ghodsee) and thoughts turn to a number of issues, one being the equation by which we value contributions to the quality of our lives.…

After Alabama Executes Nathaniel Woods, Ayanna Pressley Leads Fresh Calls for US to Abolish Death Penalty

“This INJUSTICE system is racist, sexist, and xenophobic,” said the Massachusetts Democrat. “We need a system that centers shared power, freedom, equality, safety, and dignity.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer –  Common Dreams After the state of Alabama on Thursday…

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