
North America

First Person: The ‘inseparable bond’ between Hawaiian culture and native plants

  The 17 goals agreed by the global community to reduce poverty and create a sustainable planet are the responsibility of all people, wherever they are in the world, according to the United Nations. The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs…

All Rise: A Board Certified Chaplain Speaks Her Mind & Heart

This was shared today on a Facebook forum in which I am a participant. The post is from a Board Certified Chaplain whose job it is to be in hospitals, to visit, comfort, and serve patients within the institution and…

The UBI After the Coronavirus

By Jhon Sánchez Before the Coronavirus outbreak, the first reaction I heard from people when I explained to them about the Universal Basic Income was, “Is this communism?” My listeners seemed to enter in a trance-like state as if they…

COVID-19: Several members of La Via Campesina highlight the vulnerability of peasants and workers

La Via Campesina As Coronavirus spreads across countries and continents, several members of La Via Campesina have issued statements highlighting the precarious situation of peasants and migrant workers around the world. Here is a compilation of different Statements issued by…

Trump’s Pandemic Response: Pander to CEOs, Abandon Workers

“No, I don’t take responsibility at all,” President Donald Trump declared, blaming his deadly, delayed response to the coronavirus pandemic on everyone from China to Obama to the Democrats. Meanwhile, Trump is pushing a taxpayer-funded stimulus package that will redistribute…

Coronavirus. Wet’suwet’en heraditary chiefs activities slow down and Export Development Canada consider a loan to Coastal GasLink

The solidarity movement activities with the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs has slow down in recent days because of coronavirus in Canada. Earlier in March a federal Crown corporation, Export Development Canada (EDC) has consider a loan to Coastal GasLink. If Export…

ETFO teachers in Ontario. Tentative Agreements at Central Bargaining Tables

“This has been a very prolonged and difficult bargaining process. We are very grateful for the support and unwavering solidarity of our members, and the public who have continued to stand up for public education and the supports that our…

Do You Support the Health Workers?

By David Swanson U.S. politics has for three-quarters of a century been shaped by the question “Do you support the troops?” The understood meaning of the question has been “Do you want members of the military to live or do…

Covering the Needs of Massive Production of Masks with 3D Low Cost Printing

In the battle to meet the needs in consumables and especially masks and stethoscopes, various scientists around the world are involved. Their weapon is 3D printing which seems to help in many areas, as we saw in a previous article…

‘We Cannot Test. We Cannot Test’: As Coronavirus Cases in US Spike 40% in One Day, Medical Workers Plea for Key Supplies

“Testing is central because that leads to early detection, it minimizes further spread, and it quickly treats those found with the virus.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Common Dreams As it was reported Thursday that the number of confirmed coronavirus…

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