
North America

Reforming an Electoral System that Creates Polarization

By Jhon Sánchez The electoral system contributes to the polarization in the USA. To the frustration of millions, the electoral college had handed the victory to the popular vote’s loser in 2000 and 2016. This indirect system of selecting the…

Should Voting Be This Hard?

By RW Anton Early voting started in New York City. I awoke with a determination to cast my ballot – to be counted. There was no rush, but I knew that I needed to get it done as soon as…

Can Social Media Platforms Stop Electoral Disinformation and Respect Free Speech?

US Elections Underscore Challenges of Online Content Moderation By Deborah Brown Social media platforms—under fire for not doing enough to address United States election-related misinformation in 2016—have released a flurry of new policies in recent weeks and months to protect…

Count on the National Popular Vote, Not the Electoral College

Donald Trump may be the last loser to win through the Electoral College. Two of the last three presidencies, Trump’s included, have gone to the candidate who lost the popular vote. In 2000, the Supreme Court halted the Florida recount,…

Fantasmas: Puerto Rican Tales of the Dead Conversation with Charlie Vazquez

By Jhon Sánchez In 2010, I met Charlie during Festival de la Palabra, a Puerto Rican celebration of Hispanic literature in New York and San Juan. By 2015, Charlie edited two of my essays published in Bronx Memoir Project, as…

Activists Around the U.S. Are Using Street Art to Protest Trump

Street art is a tool for activists in the era of Trump and social distancing. By April M. Short “Defund the wall—fund our future.” This is the message painted in giant yellow letters as a street mural that fills the…

Armistice Day Is Coming

November 11, 2020, is Armistice Day 103 — which is 102 years since World War I was ended at a scheduled moment (11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 — killing an extra 11,000 people…

Dear “President-elect Biden”

Please start with the easiest problem to solve Editor’s note: The author’s assumption that Joe Biden will be elected president is of course his own. By Alan Robock Here is a letter I intend to mail in November. But I…

Science & The Arts: A Call for Climate Action to the Global Community

Six years ago, I was in search of meaningful, inspirational films for my high school Italian class. A series of contacts allowed me to meet a powerhouse couple in Rome, Italy during a planned school trip. Paolo Bianchini and Paola…

Troops Out of Germany and Down a Rabbit Hole

By David Swanson I read this nightmare fantasy in the Financial Times: “Of course, a second term for Mr Trump would have a wholly different impact on US-German relations than would a Joe Biden presidency. It is conceivable that a victorious…

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