
North America

Nuclear fuel buried 108 feet from the sea

“The most toxic substance on Earth is separated from exposure to society by ½” of steel encased in a canister.” (Blanch) That eye-opener comes from renowned nuclear expert Paul Blanch in reference to spent fuel rods removed from the San…

Scientists Say Humanity Now at ‘Dawn of What Must Be a Transformative Decade’

“Whether humanity has the collective wisdom to navigate the Anthropocene to sustain a livable biosphere for people and civilizations, as well as for the rest of life with which we share the planet, is the most formidable challenge facing humanity.”…

Not just Atlanta, but also Victoria, B.C.

Acknowledging the racism and white supremacy embedded in Canadian society Written by Nevin Thompson This article was adapted from a personal essay originally published on Facebook and Medium. On Wednesday, March 17, a terrible mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia killed…

The Latest Lies About Russia

By David Swanson Things that we now know are not actually true: Russia impacted the U.S. election results in 2016 or 2020. Russia hacked into U.S. election machines. The recent U.S. government report alleging election interference contained any evidence of anything. The…


POEM           I know all too well that living often seems to bring nothing but grief. Nevertheless on this extraordinary day I give thanks, and thanks, and more thanks because somehow for no reason at all…

A Divided U.S. and the Dangers of Misdirected Anger

By David Swanson Many people in the United States, as in many other places, are getting angrier. This would be a good thing if they all understood whom they should be angry at and the superiority of nonviolent activism to stupid, futile violence. They…

Are Two Off Days Enough to Satisfy Students’ Mental Health?

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland Before the spring semester started at SUNY Cortland, administrators announced that there will be no spring break this year because of Covid-19. In an attempt to still give students some sort of break, they…

Green Groups File ‘First-of-Its-Kind’ FTC Complaint Against Chevron for Climate Lies

“The world’s second biggest polluter shouldn’t advertise that they’re good for the environment.” By Kenny Stancil, Three environmental justice and corporate accountability groups filed a “first-of-its-kind” complaint with the Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday accusing oil giant Chevron of deceiving…

Face 2 Face with Camillo Mac Bica

LIVE SHOW: Wednesday, March 17th at 3:30 PM EST On this show we are speaking with  Camillo Mac Bica, author and professor of philosophy at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, a long-time activist for peace and justice,…

Humanizing the World vs Going Back to Normal

After months of waiting, the highspeed vaccination train is finally leaving the station, and hopefully, soon, they’ll be room for everyone on board. It is perhaps the first time in history that every human being on our planet has faced…

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