
Middle East

Assam journalists condemn US scribe’s beheading in Syria

Guwahati: The Journalists’ Forum Assam (JFA) has joined in the chorus of condemnations against the abduction, murder and subsequent uploading of the visual of beheading a journalist by the militants in the conflict-ridden Syria. The scribes’ forum from eastern India…

From Assad to ISIS, a tale of Syrian resistance

Julia Taleb, August 22, 2014, for Waging Nonviolence In July of 2013, when activists in the Syrian city of Raqqa feared demonstrating in front of the headquarters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, Suad Nofel marched…

In 2008 Israel Agreed to a Protocol for the Port of Gaza. Why not now?

Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children In August, 2008, I and forty-three other participants motored into Gaza by sea in two converted fishing boats, becoming the first to openly succeed in doing so since 1967.  The entry stamp in our passports…

My plea to the people of Israel: Liberate yourselves by liberating Palestine

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, in an exclusive article for Haaretz, calls for a global boycott of Israel and urges Israelis and Palestinians to look beyond their leaders for a sustainable solution to the crisis in the Holy Land. By Desmond…

I am on the side of children

By Meir Margalit, Jerusalem In an interview conducted by the German news agency Deutsche Welle with the prestigious Israeli writer and intellectual Amos Oz we see an Oz that leaves us perplexed. While the famous Israeli writer criticizes Israel’s excessive…

10,000 protest in Tel Aviv for a just peace, end to occupation

“Under a coalition of Israeli left-wing political parties and organizations, thousands gathered in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square in the largest anti-war demonstration since the outbreak of violence in Gaza. Some 10,000 Israelis flooded Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square under the slogan…

Three obituaries: Bacall, Williams, al-Hom. Death is always a good time to think about reconciliation

In August/September 1997 Princess Diana, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Viktor Frankl all died during the same week. The two former need no introduction. Frankl was a neurologist and psychiatrist who, having survived a concentration camp during the Holocaust –where…

Despite danger, Iraqis unite to protest religious persecution by Islamic State

Mariam Elba, August 8, 2014, for Waging Nonviolence Iraqis are taking to the streets and to social media to protest the persecution of Christians by the Islamic State — the fringe extremist group formerly known as ISIS. Since the group…

Glenn Greenwald on Iraq: Is U.S. “Humanitarianism” Only Summoned to Control Oil-Rich Areas?

We discuss the situation in Iraq with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald. In a recent article for The Intercept, “U.S. ‘Humanitarian’ Bombing of Iraq: A Redundant Presidential Ritual,” Greenwald reviews news headlines related to U.S. military action in Iraq over…

Syrian Refugee Women Tell Stories about Sexual Exploitation in Lebanon

01 August 2014 – The Syrian refugee woman huddled in the latest room she calls home, a peeling, run-down place outside a north Lebanese village. The mother of six doesn’t know how she’ll pay the rent. She’s gotten by over…

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