
Middle East

UNHRC resolution A/HRC/29/L/35 re Gaza 2014 in the International Media

Haaretz “UN human rights chief: Israel may be committing war crimes in Gaza “Despite Israeli lobbying, Palestinians have managed to call for a vote on Wednesday on severe condemnation of IDF operation in Gaza.” Russia Today “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…

The Arab Peace Initiative and the International Community: Concerted Efforts for Its Implementation

by Walid Salem for The Palestine-Israel Journal With the ongoing stalemate on the Israeli-Palestinian bilateral track, all who actively seek peace still see the Arab Peace Initiative (API) of 2002 as a potential point of departure for breaking the impasse,…

Calls for Israel to pass a law regulating the Atomic Energy Commission

Members of the Israeli movement against nuclear weapons, together with former MK Mossi Raz and author and historian Prof. Avner Cohen, demand that within 90 days the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, initiate legislation mandating and regulating the status of the Israeli…

Iran nuclear talks extended to July 7

Difficulties remain in talks between Iran, the P5 and Germany aimed at ensuring that Tehran can never advance from nuclear energy to a nuclear weapons programme. Iran has been pursuing its legal right to develop a nuclear energy programme but…

Real Picture of Israel and Zionism

David Wapner: a Honest and Real Picture of Israel and Zionism Hi all, Today I am very happy to introduce you to David Wapner, an Israeli Jew, born in Buenos Aires in 1958 who moved to Israel in 1998 and…

Iran nuclear deal: real issue is whether Americans have “political will”

This week finds me in Vienna covering the P5+1 and Iranian nuclear negotiations, and I can honestly say that it’s hard to call the outcome of the talks right now. Don’t depend on the global media to help much either.…

Bury My Heart in Gaza

We thrash, curse for air As our strangler declares, look How violent the Arab – Haiku for the Headlocked, by Zein El-Amine Rami El-Amine makes the case that Israel’s war on Gaza is not about the kidnapping of Israeli teenagers,…

‘We Ain’t Found Shit’

Scott Ritter explains why Iran shouldn’t accept ‘no notice’ inspections of its nuclear sites Scott Ritter Nuclear negotiations between Iran and what’s known as the P-5 + 1 group of nations (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China…

Lift now Israel’s illegal naval blockade of Gaza’s sea waters and port

Israeli occupied forces intercepted Marianne. The boat is currently en route to Ashdod port #SOSFreedomFlotilla Dear Brothers and Sisters, Here I am bothering you once again.  But the below string of messages are very, very important.  I ask that you…

Kurds: A Common Issue for Iran, Turkey

Kurds are among one of those peoples in the world that despite considerable population and independent ethnic and cultural identity do not have an independent country. The Kurdish nostalgia, therefore, has been always a dominant feature among Kurdish groups in…

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