
Middle East

‘A Culture of Peace’

Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me start by thanking H.E. Sam Kutesa, President of the General Assembly for convening this meeting on the topic of ‘A Culture of Peace’. I believe the issue at hand today is of…

NATO wars to blame for refugee crisis in Europe: it’s time to dissolve this anachronism

Yesterday morning in Budapest I was at a sports club where I often go, moving my body to combat the effects of time, and as I came out I heard the sound of a police motorbike coming towards me with…

Yemen: Cluster Munition Rockets Kill, Injure Dozens

Saudi-led coalition likely launched 7 attacks harming civilians Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces appear to have used cluster munition rockets in at least seven attacks in Yemen’s northwestern Hajja governorate, killing and wounding dozens of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today.…

EcoME Center – about some Arabs and Jews working together

ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNAL HARMONY IN ASIA & THE MIDDLE EAST: PEACE & HARMONY STORIES The EcoME Center – – is a home for co-existence and ecology for Israelis and Palestinians to create healthy relationship between each…

China tells Israel ‘don’t send workers to settlements’

China has demanded that the Israeli government should sign a bilateral labour cooperation agreement so that Chinese construction workers sent to Israel are not employed in settlements in the occupied West Bank, Haaretz newspaper revealed on Sunday. The newspaper pointed…

Turkey snap elections set for the 1st of November

The Turkish election board confirmed that snap elections, which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for earlier this week, will be held on November 1. Erdogan called for a new election after an inconclusive vote in June, and the collapse of…

Israel’s growing isolation in the world and from Jews generally

Dr. phil. Milena Rampoldi: How has Israel invented the Iranian threat and with which means does Israel try to keep it for ever? Prof. Yakov Rabkin: In an earlier article I outlined the history of that invention ( ). Israel…

Nuclear negotiations demonstrated US-Iran respectful engagement

 Since 2002 when the United States first accused Iran of developing nuclear weapons, there was barely a day when one couldn’t find a headline on the press about Iran’s nuclear program. Literally thousands of news stories, reports, articles and commentaries…

Yemen: Struggling to Break the Fast

From Oxfam: Yemen: Struggling to Break the Fast 28 July 2015 Yemen is a pressure cooker that is reaching its critical point. Attacked from the air, from the ground and cut-off by land, sea and air – Yemenis are in…

Israelis protest hate crimes by Jewish extremists

Thousands of Israeli citizens have taken to the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to protest recent attacks on Palestinians and gay pride participants. A young Palestinian died after being shot by Israeli soldiers. Some 2,000 people gathered in Tel…

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