
Middle East

Syria: ‘Human Toll and Suffering Are ‘Sickening’ – UN Relief Chief

Human Wrongs Watch With hundreds of thousands of civilians killed, millions of people displaced and countless families torn apart, the UN relief chief on 28 April 2016 described the human toll and suffering in Syria as “sickening,” and said the…

Stop U.S. Intervention in Syria

The war in Syria appears to be heating back up.  A surprisingly widespread “cessation of hostilities” had reduced violence considerably for several weeks.  But U.N. sponsored peace talks got nowhere fast, with rebel factions insisting that the Assad government must…

No Water in the Kingdom of the Two Seas – Nor Elsewhere

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* This is part II of a two-part series of reports focusing on the impact of climate change on the Middle East & North of Africa region, ahead of the signing ceremony of the Paris…

Live from Damascus: The Syrian election results

Live from Damascus: The Syrian Election Results By Ken Stone “Syria’s ruling Ba’ath Party and its allies have won the majority of the votes in the recent parliamentary elections in the country, official results show.  The Syrian electoral commission announced…

Will the Middle East Become ‘Uninhabitable’?

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* This is the first of a two-part series of reports focusing on the impact of climate change on the Middle East & North of Africa region, ahead of the signing ceremony of the Paris…

Ebru art and cultivating ‘musk’

We conducted a short interview with renowned Turkish Ebru artist Atilla Can about UNESCO’s celebration of his work, and appreciate his cooperation. Here my video about the three Ebru artists we have interviewed up to now [readers unfamiliar with Ebru can…

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Opportunities and Threats

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Opportunities and Threats On the Occasion of the 13th OIC Summit in Istanbul By Hassan Beheshtipour, Expert on International Issues Summary Holding of the 13th summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Turkish port…

Zionism, one of the most unfortunate manifestations of modern nationalism

Jennifer Loewenstein interview, by Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V.  My interview with the journalist Jennifer Loewenstein, who has been writing for years on the Middle East, first an introduction: “This year I’ve been working on Iraq and Syria more than anything…

Iran urges that the non-proliferation norm should be applied globally and without exception

Iranian representative to the UN says a step-by-step approach to achieve nuclear disarmament has failed; a comprehensive nuclear convention is needed to reach the desired state of a world free of nuclear weapons.  The full text of the statement by Gholamhossein…

A new Sunni-Salafist-Zionist coalition changing the Middle East?

What would you make of news that Israel, Saudi-Arabia and others are talking about nuclear weapons? That they talk about how to fight Iran that has just signed an internationally binding agreement about not acquiring nuclear weapons? How strong is…

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