
Middle East

Immediate action needed to Save the Bedouin

Please Take action to Save the Bedouins  by Rabbi Arik Ascherman As you read this, JNF bulldozers are preparing the first stage of building the Jewish community of “Hiran” on the rubble of the Israeli Negev Bedouin community of “Umm…

U.S. vs. Them: Trump, presidential politics & the Middle East

Dr. Michael Izady Interviewed by Russell Whitehouse Dr. Michael Izady has been a professor of history and political science since 1991 at various European& Ivy League universities, and has providedin-depth lectures on the Middle East for NATO and US military…

The deeper reason why Syria negotiations are doomed

Negotiations were supposed to start in Geneva today, January 25, 2016. The media is full of analyses of why it won’t happen and how virtually everybody disagrees with everybody else about who should be there and who should not.  All…

What about Syria?

The defeat of Syria , will accomplish a long US´ goal: to get rid of the Russian military seabase in Tartus, at the Syrian coast. The MediterannianSea shall be a US Lake´-full stop! The grand plan is to take over…

Drop food not bombs on Syria

 How is it that at the click of a button bombs can be dropped anywhere in Syria yet when it comes to supplying food aid and medicines month after month of talks are needed.  Clearly it’s all a lying charade.…

New publication on Dutch islamophobia

Ineke van der Valk: New Publication Dutch Islamophobia By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik e.V. In this post we will introduce you to the new publications by Ineke van der Valk about Islamophobia and Discrimination in the Netherlands. Her most recent book…

Jason Rezaian is FREE!

Dear friends, Jason Rezaian is FREE!  We are thrilled to send this quick note of thanks to you for supporting the many efforts, in the US and around the world, to bring Jason home. In December, along with Ali Rezaian,…

Israel receives fifth German nuclear-capable submarine

The Israeli regime has received of a fifth submarine from Germany, amid pressure on Berlin to halt the delivery of the state-of-the-art weaponry that is capable of being armed with nuclear warheads.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday welcomed the delivery of…

Five years after the revolution, Tunisia’s fragile transition still inspires hope

On the fifth anniversary of its revolution, Tunisia has much to celebrate, many lessons still to learn, and a lot to teach other countries. Upheaval in the region and Tunisia’s own fitful democratic transition make it easy to adopt a…

Lebanon: fertile ground for innovation

Lebanon, like Palestine, is such a beautiful rich country but its political leaders do not seem to get their act together. Being divided into sometimes intermixing and sometimes contending communities is not a bad thing if you think in terms…

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