
Middle East

Staying human on Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, a major holiday in the Western Christian traditions. My family being mixed Christians always had two Christmas holidays and two Easters and so on. For us children growing up in the Bethlehem area, there was a nice rhythm and…

One year on, and the UK is still complicit in the destruction of Yemen

The Saudi-led bombing of Yemen has created a humanitarian catastrophe UK has licensed over £2.8 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia since the bombing began Campaign Against Arms Trade has began legal action against arms exports to the Saudi regime…

Statement of conscientious objectors’ groups from the Eastern Mediterranean region

Pressenza republishes this statement published on the “No to Compulsory Military Service Movement” website. We are conscientious objectors from all around the eastern Mediterranean region. Our region has suffered for so long from oppression, injustice, militarisation, military occupations and wars,…

How narratives killed the Syrian people

On March 23, 2011, at the very start of what we now call the ‘Syrian conflict,’ two young men – Sa’er Yahya Merhej and Habeel Anis Dayoub – were gunned down in the southern Syrian city of Daraa.  Merhej and…

The Great Game & the partition of Syria

Russia’s decision to greatly reduce its military presence in Syria, coming as it did with little warning, has left the world struggling for explanations. Russia is to maintain a military presence at its naval base in Tartous and at the…

NATO wars, refugees and terrorism cannot be seen in isolation from one another: Europe must give a coherent response

Once more we witness acts of terrorism in Europe. These events in western cities killing European citizens are horrific in the eyes of the western media. They should be condemned and all peace-loving human beings condemn them. We in Pressenza…

Yunus as nonviolent revolutionary activist

Worldwide, Microcredit is associated with the name of charismatic Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace laureate together with Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank: “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below… Lasting peace cannot be achieved if large populations cannot…

Turkey: Academics Jailed For Signing Petition

In the latest attack on free speech in Turkey, three academics who signed a peace petition in January 2016 have been jailed by an Istanbul court on suspicion of “making terrorist propaganda,” Human Rights Watch said today. The three were…

Russia to withdraw from Syria: The beginning of the end?

Russia to withdraw from Syria: The beginning of the end? By Dr. Farhang Jahanpour Oxford University & TFF Board member On Monday 14 March, in a surprise move and without any warning to Western leaders, President Vladimir Putin ordered the withdrawal…

Idomeni refugee camp, Greece: ‘Worse Than World War I’

When the leaders of 28 European states enjoy again this week their exclusive flights, luxurious suites and official limousines, to meet for a new summit in Brussels to adopt a final decision on their proposed plan of using refugees as…

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