
Middle East

Turkey and Israel to normalize ties again after six years

  Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım on Monday announced the signing of a Turkish Israeli deal to normalize relations between the two, after six years of ‘strained ties.’ Turkish and Israeli delegations on Sunday have met in Rome to finalize…

The arms industry and ethics – Global Media Forum workshop by Pressenza

The great relevance of the workshop Arms industry and Ethics: How to enforce ethics in a highly profitable business, hosted by Pressenza at the Global Media Forum organised by Deutsche Welle in Bonn, was apparent by looking at the day’s…

Israel is an omnipresent problem for Palestinians

Jason B. Vagliano of Palestine Advocacy Project: Israel is an omnipresent problem for Palestinians By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following  interview about the Palestine Advocacy Project where I spoke with  Jason B. Vagliano, I would like to begin by thanking Jason so…

Decolonising feminism, depatriarchalising Islam

Zahra Ali is a sociologist engaged in Muslim, feminist and anti-racist dynamics. Her research has focused on the emergence of Muslim feminisms in the West and the Arab world, including Iraq. In 2012, she published with La Fabrique a book…

Silo, a Spiritual Path wins at Near Nazareth film festival

 SILO A SPIRITUAL PATH is a WINNER at the Near Nazareth 2016 Film Festival in Arufa, Israel. Silo a Spiritual Path has competed and won one of the Five Awards in the documentary category at the Near Nazareth 2016 film festival.…

Sykes-Picot Agreement turns 100

What situation is facing the Arab Middle East 100 years following the conclusion of the Sykes-Picot Agreement and division of the Ottoman Empire’s Legacy between France and England? Has the Arab spring left any chance for the survival of the…

Palestine: a potted history

Palestinians are the endogenous people of the Southern Land of Canaan (Western Part of the Fertile Crescent), the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan.  Key milestones in human civilization occurred in this Land of Canaan: animal and…

Islam against female genital cutting – ritual outside of religion

In traditional societies, FGM or female genital mutilation, is still justified and explained under the terms of  “Islam”. However, FGM is prohibited according to Islam because it causes enormous harm to the bodies and souls of women. FGM is a…

WAS-NS school teachers at the Knesset

WAS-NS School teachers visit Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, speak in a meeting on hate crimes and attend a plenary discussion on improvement in the status of Arabic language in schools By Neve Shalom -Wāħat al-Salām* (Oasis Of Peace)  Thursday 26…

Palestine in the Media: A call for light and hope in the darkness

Pressenza was invited to participate in the Palestine International Forum for Media and Communication that took place on May 18-19, 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey. Our representative, Marianella Kloka, was given the opportunity to address with a short speech the audience,…

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