
Middle East

How They Sold the Iraq War

The war on Iraq was a propaganda war where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us. Blair paid a price for his grandiose puffery. Bush has skated…

The Middle East’s Nuclear Technology Clock Starts Ticking

by Dr James M Dorsey The Middle East’s nuclear technology clock is ticking as nations pursue peaceful capabilities that potentially leave the door open to future military options. Concern about a nuclear arms race is fuelled by uncertainty over the…

U.S. Escalates Syrian War

“The commitment must be to end United States interventions and declare independence from anyone who is not firmly opposed to crimes cooked up in Washington.” Reprinted with permission by Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report editor and senior columnist, 14 Feb 2018…

Why Washington Struck Russian Contractors In Syria?

By Nauman Sadiq On February 7, the US B-52 bombers and Apache helicopters struck a contingent of Syrian government troops and allied forces in Deir al-Zor that reportedly killed and wounded dozens of Russian military contractors working for the Russian…

Palestinian youth in Nablus: ‘Unite and stop with the division’

Palestinian youth demonstrate in Nablus, demanding peace and calling for non-violent opposition to the occupation. By +972 Magazine Staff Palestinian youth from across the West Bank demonstrated near Al Najah University in Nablus on Monday. The demonstrators held a long…

WMD out of the Middle East: Achieving the Possible

A preparatory conference was held this week at the Edinburgh City Chambers in which diplomats, experts, academics and civil society representatives with understanding of the Middle East region considered the elements that would be required in order to start work…

‘I won’t fly refugees to their deaths’: The El Al pilots resisting deportation

At least three pilots for Israel’s flag carrier publish declarations publicly refusing to take part in the forced deportation of asylum seekers should they be asked to. The Israeli government is giving tens of thousands of Eritrean and Sudanese asylum…

Redrawing the map of Syria

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said the United States “does not want to keep Syria as a state in its current borders”, accusing Washington of seeking to establish a Kurdish-controlled entity along Turkish and Iraqi…

Jordan FM, EU’s Mogherini discuss Jerusalem

Jordan’s foreign minister and the European Union’s foreign policy chief discussed Jerusalem over the phone Monday and agreed on the need to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of a two-state solution, Anadolu reports. In a written statement, Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said…

What about Iran’s protests

By Emily Thornberry, Labour Member of Parliament and Shadow Foreign Secretry, published in Facebook, with thanks to Owen Jones who introduces her post: “Support human rights in Iran, learn from the calamitous history of Western intervention in the Middle East.…

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