
Middle East

Singing to freedom movies

“Singing to freedom”, a film about the Syrian uprising, featuring: Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Amy Goodman, Erica Chenoweth and the Syrian protesters.
This video is about civil resistance in Syria, it presents some of the pragmatic arguments that the powerful force of nonviolent resistance is using successfully in order to bring down dictatorship.

After completing the swap deal, Israel takes revenge by escalating its procedures against the Palestinian prisoners

After days of completing the prisoners swap deal between Hamas Movement and Israel resulting the release of 1027 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the Israeli soldier Gila’ad Shalit, Israel has begun a new escalation against the Palestinian detainees in a clear
violation of their basic rights and an attempt to begin a new system purposes to increase prisoners’ suffering.

Celebrations in Gaza and West Bank for completing the Swap Deal and releasing 1027 Palestinians

With celebrations and tears of joy, the Palestinian prisoners reunited with their families and friends on Sunday in Gaza and West Bank.

Thousands of Palestinians gathered outside the Palestinian Presidential compound in Ramallah in order to welcome the 509 released Palestinian prisoners and celebrate the great moment.

Israel places floats at 3 miles from Gaza seashore to build a new border and tighten the siege on the Gaza Strip

In a new attempt to tighten the siege on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Occupation Forces have imposed a sea border at 3 nautical miles away from Gaza’s seashore by placing large floats with big lights signs in order to restrict fishermen’s work and ban them from crossing this border as well as imposing a new buffer zone similar to the one along Gaza’s eastern and northern border

Why Didn’t the Secularists Do Better in the Egyptian Election?

Despite predictions that liberal, leftist and secular forces would be the main rivals to the FJP (Freedom and Justice Party), a combination of factors led to a disappointing performance.

Maikel Nabil Sanad’s two-year jail term “insults spirit of Egyptian revolution”

Reporters Without Borders roundly condemns the two-year jail sentence that the supreme military court of appeals in Cairo imposed today on Maikel Nabil Sanad, a blogger who has been held since March on a charge of insulting the military in a blog entry.

Declaration regarding the situation in Syria

World without Wars and Violence has been observing the dramatic events taking place in Syria in recent months with profound concern. It is clear that the non-violent popular protests in Tunisia and Egypt were not taken as models in the case of Libya.

Second Phase of the Prisoners Swap Deal Starts in Days

The Israeli prison service announced on Wednesday the names of the
detainees who will be released in the second phase of the swap deal which is
planned to be concluded next Sunday.

The first phase was implemented on Oct 18, and witnessed the release
of 447 Palestinian prisoners in exchange of the former captured Israeli soldier Gila’ad Shalit.

Hippocrate​s was killed, he was wearing the shirt of a Syrian doctor. In memoriam : Ibrahim Nahel Othman

Dr Ibrahim Nahel Othman (alias Khaled Al-Hakim, member of Damas Doctors coordination committee), was killed last Saturday by security forces of Bachar Al-Assad in a northern village of Syria. He was helping the wounded activists protesting each day against the Syrian regime.
(from «la Mort en Vienne», Ossama Mohamed syrian filmmaker, Vienna
international film festival 2011)

‘Never, Never Give Up Your Leading Role’

Cairo – ”You proved that you are right, that we were wrong. You are catalysts for reforms. Recognise your capabilities for changing the world”, said Qatar’s first lady Sheikha Moza in Doha to 400 “leaders of tomorrow” from 100 countries.

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