
Middle East

It’s Revolution Again in Egypt

Cairo, 23 April – Tens of thousands of protesters returned to Cairo’s Tahrir Square in a massive demonstration Friday [April 20] demanding that the ruling military generals immediately hand over power to a civilian government. The protesters also called for former regime members to be barred from running in next month’s presidential elections.

Western Journalist: Visa Denied

Sandbox Item five on UN Envoy Kofi Annan’s 6-point plan for Syria: “Ensure freedom of movement throughout the country for journalists and a non-discriminatory visa policy for them.” At a delicate moment in the hard-fought Syrian conflict that could potentially destabilize the entire ME, the UN believes getting more journalists into Syria is one of the six most urgent actions.

Discrimination in Yemen against Oromo Ethiopians and Eritreans

Yemen security forces surrounded [Oromo Ethiopians and Eritreans] refugees last week and held them hours. Soon after, more than 220 refugees were randomly taken by bus to Al Kharaz refugee camp in Aden, Yemen. The remaining 380 refugees were thrown in detention centers throughout Yemen. Sadly, some of those at the refugee camp in Al Kharaz were split from spouses and children.

Surprise Video Changes Syria “Timeline”

Of all the myths obstructing the honest portrayal of events in Syria this past year, none has been more fiercely guarded by regime-change advocates than this one stark falsehood:
Myth – the Syrian regime has only been shooting unarmed, peaceful protestors until very recently when opposition groups finally decided to arm themselves in self-defense.

Save World Heritage on the Tigris River in Mesopotamia

Petition to Save World Heritage on the Tigris River in Mesopotamia to the distinguished members of the World Heritage Committee…
We address you gravely concerned about the threat posed to potential World Heritage Sites in
Mesopotamia, a region of great cultural and natural importance which is endangered by the Ilisu
Dam Project on the Tigris River.

One Million Syrians in Need of Humanitarian Assistance

With 22,8 million inhabitants, at least one million people in Syria are in need of humanitarian assistance, according to the findings of a government-led assessment mission jointly carried out with the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Ten UN Commandments for the Salvation of Palestinian Youth

Brussels – The United Nations agency assisting Palestinian refugees unveiled 10 commitments through which it will strengthen support to and better engage young refugees.

Foot-and-mouth Outbreak in Egypt Threatens Whole Region

Rome, 22 March – Urgent action is required to control a major outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease and prevent its spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East, which could have serious implications for food security in the region, FAO warned today.

Annan’s plan accepted

The government of Damascus accepted the plan for a resolution to the crisis proposed by the Arab League and United Nations special envoy for Syria, Kofi Annan. According to the spokesperson for the former UN chief, Annan already responded to President al Bashir, urging the prompt application of the proposals.

I Want My Sunni Back

There is something quite unique about the Middle East’s “Resistance Axis” which includes Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Hamas and a smattering of smaller groups opposed to western imperialism and zionism. It is the only major grouping or alliance in the region that includes 1) Arab and Iranian, 2) Sunni and Shia, 3) Islamist and Secularist.

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