
Middle East

Syrian dust

It sounds like a jet approaching, and everybody, it’s a matter of instants, stares at each other, your words stifled in your mouth; but it’s only a gate that slides and shuts. A hatchet chopping fi-rewood is a burst from…

Yara Abbas – In her own words

Today I try to honor a young woman who made an impact on me in one meeting long ago. Syrian journalist Yara Abbas’ love for her country and the soldiers who protected her in combat zones humanized these young men…

A peaceful solution of the conflict must be decided by the Syrian people alone – Interview to Paul Larudee

Paul Larudee has been part of the delegation that with Mairead Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, has visited Syria in early May. Paul wrote various press releases that Pressenza published together with the articles of Marinella Correggia, who was…

The Palestine Liberation Movement is not about Anti-Semitism

Without regard to the validity of Joseph Massad’s exposition of the historical and dialectic relationship between Zionism and anti-Semitism, why is Massad trying to justify the Palestine liberation movement on the basis that it is a battle against anti-Semitism? Of…

On the Road to Damascus: brief-report

Antonio C. S Rosa, editor, TRANSCEND Media Service, participated, May 1-11, 2013 in the Mussalaha International Peace Delegation to Lebanon-Syria alongside Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, from Ireland, and 15 others from eight countries. This peace activist has compiled and…

On the Road to Damascus

I participated, May 1-11, 2013 in the Mussalaha International Peace Delegation to Lebanon-Syria alongside fellow TRANSCEND member Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, from Ireland, and 15 others from eight countries. Keenly aware of my responsibility, especially to my newly made…

Syria Dispatch #4: Declarations of the delegation; prisoner release

After all the delays and rescheduling of the Syria visit, most of my fellow delegates have now returned to their home countries, and are compiling their thoughts, film and photos. Further to the sniper firing at the car transporting Mother…

Nakba Day: New Challenges for Palestinian New Generations

“I call you to remain the same  for those who are in exile and those who stayed.  If time passed by and I return to my home I will henna the house for my beloved ones” (Palestinian song) By Mjriam…

Syria Dispatch #3: prisoner release; attack on M. Agnes; Homs project

Syria Dispatch #3: prisoner release; attack on M. Agnes; Homs project In my previous dispatches I withheld some information from you. Over the last four months I have been in touch with Dr. Mohja Kahf, who is active in the…

Dispatch #2 from the Mussalaha delegation to Syria

As I begin to compose this, I hear what sounds like artillery and rocket fire in the distance, mixed with occasional small arms and possible explosions. Most of their targets must be far away, because I don’t hear them hit.…

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