
Middle East

BBC: major Iraq birth defect study expected to show increase linked to conflict

The BBC has reported that a much anticipated study by the WHO and Iraqi Ministry of Health will show that rates of birth defects in Iraq are higher in areas that were subject to heavy fighting in 2003. The report,…

Ban Ki-Moon announces independent probe into allegations of chemical attack in Syria

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon today said that the United Nations will launch an independent investigation into allegations of the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria, after receiving a formal request from the country’s Government. “The investigation mission is to look…

Turkey: Ankara to end anti-PKK offensive if fighters lay down arms: PM

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the country’s military will end operations against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) forces if the group stops fighting. “If there are no more armed actions our troops will not undertake armed actions,” Erdogan told…

Turkey: PKK’s jailed leader, Abdullah Ocalan, announces ceasefire with Ankara

The jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Abdullah Ocalan has announced much-expected ceasefire to end the 28-year conflict between the PKK and Ankara. “We are at a stage where guns should be silenced,” Ocalan said in a letter…

10 years after Iraq invasion: more bloodshed, no justice.

Press release from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK, Tuesday, 19 March 2013. A decade on from the bloody and illegal invasion of Iraq on 20th March 2003: a wave of explosions have rocked Baghdad and surrounding towns killing 56…

Renewable agency applauds U.A.E. solar launch

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) welcomed the activation of the world’s largest operational Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) facility to date, as the Middle East turns to clean energy to fuel future growth. The Shams 1 thermosolar plant – in…

Obama raises prospect of nuclear arms in Iran despite testimony by top intel official

U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper confirmed this week Iran has not decided to develop a nuclear weapon and that it would be unable to do so secretly. Testifying before the Senate, Clapper said Iran could not divert safeguarded…

New study reveals high toll of decade-long Iraq War

A decade of war in Iraq has killed roughly 134,000 Iraqi civilians and potentially contributed to the deaths of many hundreds of thousands more, according to researchers at Brown University. Their report was released ahead of the 10th anniversary of…

Anti-Nukes Move from Norway to Bahrain

After a full week of intensive activities in Oslo during the Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, major anti-nuclear campaigners moved Monday to the Bahraini capital, Manama, in yet another step towards the abolition of atomic weapons. “Nuclear…

Bahrain: Dozens Wounded in Clashes as Protesters Mark Anniversary

Dozens of people were wounded in Bahrain on Thursday as protesters marked the second anniversary of a Saudi-led intervention that helped crush the pro-democracy uprising. Clashes erupted around the capital Manama with police firing stun grenades and tear gas at…

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