
Middle East

Turkey – support the demand for the abolition of Art. 318

Dear sisters and brothers,   We wholeheartedly support your demonstration on 13 May.  Article 318 allows the Turkish State to jail anyone who discourages people from joining the army, even if that army is from another country.  We support the…

“Don’t take Arabs’ NPT membership for granted”

By Baher Kamal* | IDN-InDepth NewsViewpoint CAIRO (IDN) – Not that nuclear issues are an actual source of concern to Egyptian citizens. They are deeply worried about their present and immediate future now that inter-religious violence is on the rise,…

Egypt walks out of NPT conference

In dramatic scenes in Geneva today, reminiscent of the 2010 NPT conference when several countries walked out as the Iranian President addressed delegates, Egypt advised the room that they were withdrawing from the rest of the 2013 NPT preparatory committee…

UAE State visit continues arms sales drive to repressive Gulf regime

Three Britons are jailed in Dubai for drugs offences using confessions that those found guilty claim were extracted by torture, the day before the UK hosts a state visit by Sheikh Khalifa, the UAE ruler, during which UK Prime Minister, David…

Iraq suspends 10 satellite TV channels for promoting violence

Iraqi authorities have suspended the licenses of 10 satellite TV channels for promoting violence and sectarianism through their coverage of recent wave of violence in the country. Iraq’s leading al-Sharqiya and Qatar-based Al-Jazeera are among the pan-Arabic channels whose operating…

Chemical Weapons Charade in Syria

Let us be clear. The United States can verify absolutely nothing about the use of chemical weapons (CWs) in Syria. Any suggestion to the contrary is entirely false. Don’t take it from me – here is what US officials have…

Shipping death and destruction in Syria

“The weapons of choice in (today’s) new conflicts are not big-ticket items like long-range missiles, tanks, and fighter planes, but small and frighteningly accessible weapons ranging from handguns, carbines, and assault rifles on up to machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, and…

Netanyahu’s new Israeli government: Here we go again

By Alon Ben-Meir, Professor of International Relations, Center for Global Affairs at NYU. At the eleventh hour, Prime Minister Netanyahu hustled to put his coalition government together only two days before President Obama’s visit to Israel. Undoubtedly, Netanyahu’s last-ditch effort…

Palestinian women demand protection under the law

Tuesday 26th March, dozens of women protested outside Prime Minister Salam Fayyad’s Ramallah office demanding the adaptation for laws that would protect them against violence and crime. Woman’s Affairs Technical Committee (WATC) member, Lubna Ashqar, told Palestinian official news agency WAFA that…

‘Yalla Shabab’, new initiative launched by European and Palestinian youths

The European Union and Young Entrepreneurs Palestine launched a new youth initiative “Yalla Shabab” that includes several activities in partnership with Palestinian youth in the West Bank and Gaza such as lectures at Palestinian universities about the current affairs, volunteer…

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