
Middle East

Few Silver Linings in Egypt for the United States…or China

Recent events in Egypt provide significant food for thought for China policy idealists and realists. The liberal West’s chosen panacea for China—millions of young people taking to the streets and voicing democratic slogans—produced an embarrassing military coup and an appalling…

Noam Chomsky on Egypt’s Coup

By Austin G. Mackell Below is a short email interview I conducted with Noam Chomsky regarding the coup in Egypt. [START] Q. Are you pleased or upset by the events in Egypt over the last month or so?  A. Upset…

Why Western media frames civilian areas as “Hezbollah strongholds”

Beirut was thrown into turmoil on Thursday evening as a terrorist attack against residents of Dahiyeh – a southern suburb of the Lebanese capital and a predominantly Shia neighborhood – threatened to draw the country into a region wide crisis.…

Egypt – “No to Violence, yes to Life”

18 August 2013 Press release: Humanist Association of Hong Kong The tragedy which is Egypt August 2013 has us humanists standing back and watching from afar, wanting to place our message of non-violence and non-discrimination there, into a society increasingly…

Peace Prize winner calls for release of kidnapped “lovers of Yemen

[divide] [clear] “If not for the sake of Judith, do it for the sake of Yemen’s reputation which is getting worse each day the kidnap lasts.” Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkul Karman has added her voice to the growing number…

OP-ED: Israeli-Palestinian Talks: Why Now and to What End?

By Emile Nakhleh. WASHINGTON, Aug 16 2013 (IPS) – The recently restarted talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are the only peaceful political activity amidst ongoing violence in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Bahrain and elsewhere in the Arab…

What did they expect?

Egypt: Another Middle Eastern country descending into chaos, talks of a possible civil war, violent protests, violent repression and another notch in the butt of the Clash of Civilisations gun. A democratically elected government has been deposed by an army…

International solidarity against inhuman sanctions

With the escalation of unilateral inhuman sanctions against the people of Iran on the pretext of Iran’s nuclear activities, which have caused countless economic and medicinal problems and a shortage of vital medical equipment in Iran, a petition has been prepared entitled International Solidarity…

Iran’s President Hassan Rohani Takes Oath of Office

SUNDAY, AUGUST 04, 2013 – Iran’s new President Hassan Rohani took the oath of office at the Iranian Majlis (Parliament), one day after being endorsed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei. Iranian lawmakers and senior officials as well…

Hiroshima – stark images by a Palestinian

I and Oliver Stone both spoke at Hiroshima on the anniversary of the first nuclear bombing in human history and we are slated to speak in two days at Nagasaki on the anniversary of the second nuclear attack. My speech…

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