

Photo reportage: the campaign #Healthnoweapons takes to the streets of Turin

The #Healthnoweapons campaign has an international feel, as it started from Prague in early April and developed in double shapes: on the streets and on social media. In Turin, the campaign evolved into a short flashmob in Carignano square and…

Hungary’s Scrapping of NGO Law Insufficient to Protect Civil Society

Despite a chorus of international criticism, the Hungarian government has been in no hurry to act on a June 2020 EU Court decision that states a 2017 law forcing civil society organizations receiving more than 20.000 EUR per year in…

The WWF addresses (Greek) Members of Parliament concerning the National Recovery Plan

By means of a detailed presentation to the parliamentarians, the environmental organization WWF Hellas raises a number of serious issues concerning the National Recovery & Resilience Plan which are important to be raised during the relevant discussion. On the process,…

Alexei Navalny: protesters defy state crackdown to support hunger-striking Russian dissident

Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in the streets of Russia’s cities to support the dissident politician Alexei Navalny, who is currently on hunger strike in a prison hospital. The fact that those numbers were down on the crowds…

Why the Netherlands needs the Green New Deal

Halfway through 2019 Dutch society had alarm bells ringing because it had reached its hard Nitrogen-emissions limits. This prompted the Dutch Parliament and Cabinet to freeze all nitrogen-emitting activities which brought an abrupt and near full halt to Dutch society.…

Rights experts condemn UK racism report attempting to ‘normalize white supremacy’

UN independent human rights experts on Monday denounced a government-backed report into racism in the United Kingdom, saying that it further distorted and falsified historical facts, and could even fuel racism and racial discrimination. “In 2021, it is stunning to…

The Hibakusha Park – a place of remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Europe

Hibakusha Park is a memorial in honor of the atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the Nimy campus of Mons University in Belgium. This park, dedicated to the abolition of nuclear weapons and created by Professor Pierre Piérart…

Youth Summit Against NATO

The International Peace Bureau would like to introduce the First Youth Summit Against NATO. The future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) depends on young people. NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, said that ”young people have the greatest stake in…

Key to success in Denmark: Investments in public transport, education and social aid for everyone

By Johanna Pauls The Danish Social Democratic government has been able to pay their citizens a corona aid of 1570$ each and priorized homless people during the vaccination process. Prime Minister Frederiksen and her party enjoy great popularity among the…

Spain condemns the rise of violence and criminalization against migrants in Canarias.

Intervención policial en el campamento levantado en los alrededores CETI de las Raíces en Tenerife   The large-scale arrival of migrants to the Canary Islands (Spain), from the African continent, has generated a situation of overcrowding in the centers set…

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