

Aid Groups Warn Against Afghan Military Escalation

An increased military occupation of Afghanistan will lead to a rise in civilian deaths.

US-Russia Talks

President Obama: “I believe [what] we’ve begun today is a very constructive dialog that will allow us to work on issues of mutual interest, like the reduction of nuclear weapons and the strengthening of our nonproliferation treaties”

US, Russia to Discuss Nuke Deal

Democracy Now! – The Obama administration is set to open talks today on a new arms control deal with Russia

The Czech govt has fallen: a victory for democracy, disarmament and nonviolence

Yesterday the government of conservative Czech Prime Minister, Mirek Topolanek, was dismissed by Parliament with a motion presented by the Social-Democratic opposition. This is a great victory for the Non-violent Movement against the bases in the Czech Republic that saw the real possibility to oppose the installation of US military radar bases.

Let’s stop the war in Irak and all wars

World Without Wars Association promotes manifestations in various cities of the world during the week that marks the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Irak

“Invisibles” Make ABM Plans Visible at European Parliament

PRESSENZA(New York) “We are invisible.” That was the message of over 100 protesters at the European Parliament in Brussels on February 18.

Czech Mayors protest US Missile Defense

The Czech Republic and Poland: US Trojan Horses to divide Europe?

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