

Replacing Bombs with Words

The recent anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki prompted Montserrat Ponsa i Tarrés to write the following impassioned article. A journalist with a decades-long commitment to the culture of peace, she will be a member of the core team of the first World March for Peace and Nonviolence that will circle the globe.

First Steps and Preparations for the Participants of the World March

Altogether 18 participants of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence met in Vieste, Southern Italy, to receive all of the information necessary for the challenge which awaits them for three months around the world.
The members of the team committed themselves to exhibit flexibility, tolerance, humility, and an open heart in order to incarnate the spirit of this initiative.

The Arab-Israeli West-Eastern Divan Orchestra Celebrates its Tenth Anniversary

Daniel Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its foundation with a concert tour of Europe, during which it will visit some of Europe’s leading festivals and concert halls. This orchestra “represents an alternative model, based on the idea of equality, cooperation and justice for all, to the current situation in the Middle East”.

Anniversary of the 4th Geneva Convention: despite progress it remains as a future aspiration

Since August 12th, 1949, 194 countries have signed the 4th Geneva Convention which regulates civilian protection, prisoners of war, wounded and humanitarian workers during war conflicts. The Geneva Conventions and their additional Protocols are the backbone of the Humanitarian International Right, that determines the limits to war methods and procedures.

Call for an Arctic Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone

The Copenhaguen conference calls for Arctic nuclear-weapon-free zone to be demilitarized as Antarctica. It was attended by parliamentarians, academics, scientists, indigenous representatives and activists from Arctic countries and from established nuclear-weapon-free zones. Participants are flying to Thule military base, Greenland – site of B52 nuclear bomber crash in 1968.

Hiroshima remembered in Budapest – demands for disarmament

In Budapest, a joint delegation from the Humanist Movement, Greenpeace Hungary, and ATTAC Hungary visited the embassies of countries with nuclear weapons. Later that day, 150 people staged a die-in demonstration in front of the Hungarian parliament building, to commemorate the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks.

Hiroshima remembered in Budapest – demands for disarmament

In Budapest, a joint delegation from the Humanist Movement, Greenpeace Hungary, and ATTAC Hungary visited the embassies of countries with nuclear weapons. Later that day, 150 people staged a die-in demonstration in front of the Hungarian parliament building, to commemorate the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks.

The South is coming, with or -hopefully without- a vengeance.

The abrahamic Occident expanded three times: islam 622-1492 from Iberia to the Philippines; christianity from 1492 on all five continents; and judaism from 1948 in the Middle East. They left and leave behind enormous clashes of civilizations in their wake, many extinguished. South America is building on an incredible rich history and wisdom like Bolivia’s Morales is now doing.

UK Teachers’ Union, the Largest in Europe, endorses the World March

Christine Blower, the General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), Europe’s largest teachers’ union representing approximately 300,000 teachers in the United Kingdom, has endorsed the World March for Peace and Non-violence and expressed her wish for the National Union of Teachers to contribute to the objectives of the March.

Pope Benedict XVI to greet members of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

The Prefecture of the Pontifical Household confirmed that the Pope will receive members of the Peace March in a general audience on the coming 11th of November. The members of the base team who start in New Zealand on the 2nd of October will have travelled through Oceania, Asia and Europe before presenting their proposals for nuclear disarmament and nonviolence before the Vatican.

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