

Electronic voting in children’s parliament

With the aim to create a sustainable, national children’s organ, the Finnish Children’s Parliament is having a positive impact on the establishment of local parliamentary activities.
Direct network democracy is enabled through weekly chat meetings with electronic voting and permanent forum in children’s Finnish Parliament.

Indigenous Peoples Draw Focus at UN

The traditional knowledge and practices of about 370 million indigenous peoples in 90 countries around the world are increasingly being recognized as vital for conservation of nature and efforts to combat and adapt to climate change.
Ban Ki Moon called on “governments, indigenous peoples and UN to ensure that the Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples becomes a reality”.

The Crisis Of The Left

The victory of the right in last elections in Chile has stirred reflections on the crisis of the left. Of the 15 countries in Europe that had leftist governments in 1992, only 5 do today, and of these 3
-Portugal, Spain, and Greece- presently find themselves in grave financial and social difficulty. For people under 50 it is hard to grasp how deep the roots of this crisis go.

China criticised for secrecy on executions

China has come under fire for its use of the death penalty – and for failing to publish official figures on capital punishment. Amnesty International has produced an annual report criticizing Beijing, and urging the government to be more transparent. Fewer people were executed in 2009 than in previous years, according to the document.

Cinema: The justified anger of undocumented immigrants and French filmmakers

“We work here! We live here! We’re staying here!” This film and its accompanying manifesto are calling out for the regularization of all “undocumented” workers in France. A true film featuring brave immigrants and made by filmmakers respectful of their words. A joint revolt against a type of legalised inhumanity … with papers!!

Israelis ready to face repression

In the midst of conflict and hate, a new solidarity is born. Israeli citizens confront their own military and defend the rights of their Palestinian fellow countrymen. Two activists relate stories of occupation and non-violent opposition. The organization called Ta’ayush was founded by Israelis and Palestinians in order to end the Israeli occupation

Hundreds of activists blockade nuclear bomb factory in the UK

Up to eight hundred anti-nuclear campaigners from all corners of the UK and other countries joined a blockade of the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire, UK, on February 15th in order to prevent the construction of new nuclear bombs making facilities. Every gate was closed by blockaders in the course of the morning. Twenty-six arrests were reported.

Bombspotters invade the security of the Kleine Brogel Air Base – in preparation for a Europe-wide campaign on April 3

The UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference starts in New York on May 3, 2010. The political juncture has never been as favourable for demanding nuclear disarmament. Vredesactie is calling for the operations of the Kleine Brogel nuclear base to be permanently stopped using non-violent direct action beginning on April 3.

Presentation of the documentary “Africa Rising,” against female circumcision

To mark the occasion of the World Day against Female Genital Mutilation [FGM], the documentary from Equality Now “Africa Rising” was presented at the Fine Arts Society of Madrid. The film was directed and produced by the Salvadorian film-maker Paula Heredia. Winner of an Emmy, the film depicts several African social movements and their struggle against this practice.

For a new world citizienship

We need to promote inter-cultural thought of diversities, open our minds to change, diversity and unconventionality. School and society need a pedagogic conception of ‘world understanding’ to oppose racism, intolerance and incomprehension in all their forms where the identity of others is trapped in negative stereotypes.

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