

One year after the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

One year after the World March started in Wellington, New Zealand, the book of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence – a compilation in 400 colour pages of almost everything that took place over three months, plus the preparations – is presented in Toledo, Spain. The following are the words of Tony Robinson, international Spokesperson for World without Wars and Violence.

Back to the Future. Rubbish as a source of fuel becomes a reality

Almost 25 years after Spielberg’s film *Back to the Future* predicted the use of rubbish as a fuel for cars several projects that transform household waste into fuel are on their way thanks to bacteria originally used for compost heaps, which have been now genetically engineered to produce Ethanol by braking down the cellulose in food and other organic substances.

Convergence of Cultures says goodbye to Silo, source of inspiration for the New Humanism, with a tribute

Following the death of Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos (better known as Silo), the humanist organization Convergence of Cultures will pay tribute to its source of inspiration on October 2nd next, coinciding with the International Day of Non-Violence. They will participate along with other organizations inspired by his ideas, in ceremonies that will take place in different countries.

The effects of Chernobyl could last for centuries

Last month experts published a series of studies indicating that, contrary to previous conclusions, the animal populations are decreasing in the exclusion zone which surrounds the site where the former Soviet nuclear plant functioned, and that the effects of the radioactive contamination following the explosion have been “overwhelming”.

A message to our returned friends: Many thanks!

Alicia, Pasqual and Albert were kidnapped by Al Qaeda in Southern Mauritania on the 29th of November 2009. They were travelling in the Solidarity Caravan, organised by the Barcelona Solidarity Action association, transporting support material for projects which are being carried out by 36 Catalan associations in Morocco, Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal. They were freed today.

The proposals of “Peoples Agreement” in the texts for United Nations negotiation on Climate Change

After a week of negotiations, the main conclusions of the World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Right of Mother Earth (Cochabamba, April 2010) have been incorporated in the document of United Nations on Climate Change, that now have been recognized as a negotiation text for the 192 countries which has been congregated in Bonn, during the first week august of 2010.

Russians Escape Moscow’s Dense Smoke Cloud

Muscovites have brought airports to a standstill with attempts to leave the Russian capital where the air has become unbreathable and visibility enormously reduced due to the dense smoke clouds from fires which in the last hours have been growing, due mainly to the very high temperatures of this summer; the highest registered in decades.

Peace One Day

In 1999, preoccupied with questions about the fundamental nature of humanity and the most pressing issues of our time, filmmaker Jeremy Gilley launched Peace One Day and set out to find a starting point for peace. He had a mission: to document his efforts to establish the first ever annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence with a fixed calendar date.

Sir Richard Jolly ‘throws down the gauntlet’ to the new Coalition Government to meet their development commitment promises

Sir Richard Jolly, former Assistant General to the United Nations and co-director of UN intellectual history project, will give the Annual Erskine Childers Lecture entitled “Inequality and Millennium Development Goals.” at Friends House on Tuesday 15th June, 2010 at 6.30pm hosted by Uniting for Peace, Action for UN Renewal and World Disarmament Campaign.

A New Look team of World without Wars and Violence gets down to work

After 6 months of metamorphosis into a democratic international federation the new-look World Coordination Team gets to work on supporting a grassroots social movement that connects the daily issues of violence experienced at home and work with global threats of war and nuclear weapons. “We aspire to do for war and violence what Greenpeace does for environmentalism”.

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