

The Mediterranean Sea Is Sick, Very Sick

Imagine a big swimming pool, as big as the Mediterranean sea—2,5 million km2. Imagine 150-200 million people sitting on its edges (resident costal population); other 300 millions coming from abroad every year (tourists), and 2.000 big ships and oil tankers crossing its waters at any given minute –let alone industries and oil refineries.

Britain: ‘A Major Crisis Of The Entire Social And Political Order’

Britain is reeling after several nights of rioting in major cities across the country–the worst civil unrest in a least a generation. What began at the end of last week as a series of protests against police brutality and racism has escalated into a major crisis of the entire social and political order, with police apparently losing control in parts of major cities.

Who the hell are Standard and Poor!?

Credit Rating Agencies are at it again. If the hole in the real economy, the one in which real people live, created by the virtual economy, where the speculators live, aka “rescuing the Banks during the subprime crisis”, were not big enough, Standard and Poor, has “downgraded” the US Credit Rating sending the world economy into a deeper hole. So who are they?

London is burning, and it is spreading to other cities

Death of a Tottenham resident in North London by Police shooting sparks three nights of rioting, looting, firebombing and attacks on Police by members of minority communities and youth gangs. Recent cuts to services in areas already deprived and marginalised seem to have created a toxic atmosphere that only needed a trigger, and sure enough, it happened.

Documents suggest there has been a secret policy in the UK Foreign Office of collaboration with torture

According to a report by the British newspaper The Guardian new documents it has seen confirm what the ex Ambassador to Uzbekistan has been saying all along. That the UK Foreign Office knew torture was being used in the interrogation of terrorism suspects and in spite of its illegality and unreliability it accepted information thus obtained.

Xenophobia settles in European parliaments

50 additional policemen are hardly going to put free circulation inside the EU in any real danger. Probably no European citizen is going to be denied entrance into Denmark. And, really, nobody believes that the border posts Copenhagen ordered reopening in the beginning of July will do anything to fight cross-border crime.

A New ‘Stone-Age, Tea Party- Loving’ Star In U.S. Political Sky

How did this woman become a potential frontrunner in Republican presidential politics? No, not Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman–the other “folksy,” anti-gay, anti-choice, Tea Party-lovin’ Republican female politician currently in the national spotlight.

This is an abridged version of Colson’s article on SocialistWorker on August 1rst, 2011.

Daniel Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra take Beethoven project to the Far East

Highlights of the Summer Tour 2011 include first concerts in Asia, a concert at Berlin’s Waldbühne, and a recording of all of Beethoven’s symphonies.
After its triumphant tour through the Middle East and Europe in May, Daniel Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra continue their Beethoven project on the upcoming summer tour.

Fears of the Future among Greek Journalists

By Aljosa Milenkovic

As Greece faces the worst economic woes in its history, Greek journalists struggle with their own fears and their failures in covering the crisis.

One of the most popular editorial coping mechanisms is to blame the problem on others, in this case the European Union. Many in Greece consider the EU to be part of the problem rather than the solution.

The Monster Behind a Media Empire

When one of the most arrogant men in the world is forced to issue a full-page apology in national newspapers, you know that he feels he has little other choice. That must have been the calculation in the inner sanctum of News Corporation when billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch signed off on a full-page ad in several of his (and his competitors’) British newspapers.

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