

Local neighborhood meetings and the end of Sol

Last Sunday, **los Indignados** who remained in the most representative camp of the 15M movement, simply because of being there first, agreed to dismantle the Sol camp after debating the proposal to postpone it until the 15th and turn it into an itinerant camp. A reconstruction party is planned with an orderly work plan which includes removing the camps and cleaning up

Italians Decide Over Nuclear Energy Referendum

Over fifty million Italian citizens are voting in the referendum over the use of nuclear energy, privatization of water and immunity for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Despite the government’s attempts to thwart the referendum by all means, it was approved last Tuesday by the Italian Supreme Court and is taking place this Sunday.

Italian Nuclear Referendum

In Italy, on June 12th and 13th, the population will vote in four simultaneous referendums: one which will allow magistrates to proceed with their investigations against the Prime Minister, the second and the third which aims to keep water in public rather than private hands and, the fourth regards the return to a nuclear energy program in Italy.

Nuclear Energy On The Anvil in Vienna

When 151 ministers of United Nations’ atomic energy agency gather in Vienna on June 20, for 4 days, they will be dealing with a world that has changed in the aftermath of Fukushima nuclear disaster, the third after serious accidents in Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986, thus imposing a global review of the regulations governing nuclear safety.

By Ronald Joshua

Nuclear Disarmament Steps Balanced Out by New Weapons

A new study is warning highly touted efforts at nuclear disarmament are being canceled out by parallel investments in new nuclear weapons systems. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute says more than 5,000 nuclear weapons are deployed and ready for use around the world, including 2,000 kept in a state of high alert.

London cheers up with non-violent, creative and good humoured pro-democracy Assembly and anti-cuts demonstrations

Trafalgar Square was the venue of a multitudinous Assembly, mainly of young people, inspired by the Spanish and Greek mobilisations demanding real democracy. At the same time UK Uncut carried out actions in defence of the health service inside and outside banks, to raise awareness about their role in the economic crisis used to justify the impending destruction of the NHS.

The gentle force that changed Milan

The leftist candidate Giuliano Pisapia has won the municipal elections in Milan, ending 18 years of right-wing government. Victory of the left in Naples, Cagliari and other major cities: turned from Berlusconi in a referendum on his person and his government, the elections have shown a clear rejection by the Italians of a policy based on insults, threats and lies.

European Revolution

All European cities are called, trough the site for Real Democracy Now!

“We are not a commodity lying in the hands of politicians and bankers. We blame the economic and political forces for our bad situation and demand the necessary change of course.
We call on all citizens, under the motto Real Democracy NOW!”.

“Toma la Plaza”: Frustration with Unemployment, Budget Cuts Fuels Grassroots Protests in Spain

Tens of thousands of Spanish protesters are demonstrating across the country calling for better economic opportunities, a more representative electoral system, an end to political corruption. The pro-democracy protests started on May 15 in Madrid when people gathered in the central plaza to advocate for change, calling the budding movement “Toma la Plaza,” or “Take the Square”

Gaddafi should go

Say leaders today at the G8 summit in France. They have issued a joint call – including the Russians, which have criticized Nato’s campaign in Libya – for the embattled leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to step down and leave the government of the country. “He has lost all legitimacy and has failed to fulfill his responsibility to protect the Libyan population”, they said.

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