

Rule of Law Rules Women Out

They give life almost in every way – they deliver generation after generation; they plant seeds and grow crops, feed their families and sell food in rural markets; they bring water and heat and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their families. Yet, they are the victims of a nearly invisible, silent crime as millions of them die every year from preventable causes.

The Huge, Inhuman Power of The Real ‘War Lords’

Politicians in rich countries use to cry to the sky and tear their hair out, warning against migrants and refugees’ alleged extraordinary threats and exceptional danger, while blaming them for all the troubles that their obedience to the “market lords” and the “war lords” has been causing.

Violence And Death For Millions Of Life-Givers

They give life almost in every way – they deliver generation after generation; they plant seeds and grow crops, feed their families and sell food in rural markets; they bring water and heat and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their people be them newborns, adults or elderly.

European Court rules states must respect Conscientious Objection as a Human Right

The case of a young Armenian forced sentenced to two and a half years for refusing military service was taken up by a number of high profile international organisations, including Amnesty International. Today the European Court of Human Rights ruled that individuals have a right to conscientious object and called on Armenia to immediately introduce civilian alternatives.

World set to miss UN hunger reduction goal: UN

The world is on course to miss United Nations hunger reduction targets set in 2000, despite successes in curbing extreme poverty, a UN report said Thursday. In 2000, the world body’s 192 member states launched eight Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015 and the 2011 progress report showed mixed results on the first target of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.

No human being is illegal – police back down in the face of non-violent rapid response

The extraordinary scene was captured by video yesterday of the police backing down from an attempt to detain a Senegalese national living in Madrid. The multiracial neighbourhood of Lavapies in Madrid was holding an assembly as part of the M-15 movement when, according to police a man attempted to board a train without a ticket and was stopped by staff who called the police.

Greece blocks Gaza Freedom Flotilla

A year after the first Gaza Freedom Flotilla was attacked by Israel in international waters leading to the deaths of nine activists, the Free Gaza Movement is organising a second flotilla which is currently experiencing difficulties in Greece as the government there is refusing to allow the boats to leave port, citing fears for the safety for the passengers on board.

Dunja Mijatovic ‘s speech

Here we are publishing the Opening Adress given by Dunja Mijatovic, from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), as Representative on Freedom of the Media, on the occasion of the inaugurative plenary sesion of the 2011 Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum held recently in Bonn, Germany, and focused on Human Rights.

The Five Big Again Talk Nuclear Disarmament

The five veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, France, Russia, Britain and the United States – met in Paris on June 30 and July 1, 2011 to deal with an issue that carries with it the survival of the planet: nuclear disarmament. The conference was a follow up to the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York in May 2010.

Children contaminated in Japan whilst the UK tried to minimise the Fukuyima effect on public opinion

Japanese children have been shown to be contaminated with radioactive caesium just weeks after the government raised the acceptable level of contamination in schools which provoked angry responses from parents. At the same time it is revealed that the UK government attempted to minimise the importance of the accident in order to prevent a backlash against nuclear energy.

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