

Media minister responds to Reporters Without Borders’ open letter

Ecuadorean media minister Alvarado published an open letter to Reporters Without Borders on 9 September in response to the one that its secretary-general, Jean-François Julliard, addressed to President Correa three days before. RWB is posting the minister’s reply on its website. It includes an invitation to international media freedom organizations to take part in a debate.

The charms of the Cave of Forgotten Dreams’

Werner Herzog allows us to learn about one of the major archaeological discoveries in humankind. The Chauvet-Pont d’Arc grotto contained in its depths hundreds of prehistoric animals’ skeletons that permit to reveal the constitution of the European wildlife 35 thousand years ago. Jean-Marie Chauvet, Eliette Brunel-Deschamps and Christian Hikkaire found it in 1994.

Evidence of British and CIA collaboration with Gaddafi in the rendition and torture programme found in Tripoli

Documents found by Human Rights Watch in Tripoli contain evidence of collaboration by the British Government with the US rendition for torture program, in this case sending terror suspects to Libya for interrogation. “For several years, senior MI5 and MI6 officers have sought to deny that their agencies have been guilty even of complicity in rendition.

Now to the stock market

15-M now proposes an international demonstration, explaining that “El Grupo de Trabajo de Economía de Sol se suma a la iniciativa “OCCUPY WALL STREET” (The Sol Economy Work Group joins the OCCUPY WALL STREET” initiative), that various associations and movements in the United Stated promote and plan to camp on the 17 September in front of the New York Stock market.

The “Pots and Pans revolution” in Iceland and its aftermath

The Economic Crash in Iceland led the “Pots and Pans revolution” leading to some radical changes. Humanist Party members Julius Valdimarsson and Methusalem Thorisson have carried out an appraisal in terms of the sensibility of the people in general and on the political Scene wondering if such process can promote Human Rights based Real Democracy.

Where, if not here, on Berlin Alexanderplatz?

The struggle for coherent attitude within indignation.

Two school girls of the twelve grade in High School who crawl out of their sleeping bag in the middle of Alexanderplatz in Berlin every morning to go to school – one from the anti-nuclear movement who wonders that there is nobody who is responsible for public relations …

IKV Pax Christi launches ‘NUKEM’ on the International Day Against Nuclear Tests

On the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, the 29th of August 2011, IKV Pax Christi’s NoNukes Campaign launched NUKEM, a Facebook application that makes the effects of nuclear weapons visible to facebook users.

Movement for Nuke Test Ban Gathers Momentum

Voluntary moratoriums on nuclear weapon tests are not enough. Member states that have not yet ratified the United Nations-backed Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) should therefore urgently do so.

And the looting goes on…but we are saved. Give them Oxytocin

UK commuters face an 8 to13% increase in rail fares, well above the rate of inflation, whilst Stagecoach, one of the private rail companies, announces a return of £340m in profits to shareholders – including an £88m payment to two chief executives. Meanwhile the inevitable austerity driven “double dip recession” looms across major economies but the banks refuse to lend.

UN: Water crisis prompts rethink on food during World Water Week

Population growth and water stress are driving Earth to a food and environmental crunch that only better farming techniques and smarter use of the ecosystem will avert, a UN report issued on Monday said.

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