

Mumia still on death row, but executions of journalists on the wane

On the eve of the 9th World Day Against the Death Penalty, Reporters Without Borders and the Paris-based NGO Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM) would like to point out that being a journalist, editing a website or keeping a blog can still expose a person to the possibility of the death penalty in some countries.

War through the media

There are people who claim that humanity, since its origins, can only be interpreted in terms of war: we have always killed each other. We kill each other to steal; we kill each other to occupy a particular space, a cave or a piece of fertile land. We also kill each other to be the leader, out of envy, due to jealousy or sadism.

Silence kills Roma, your voice can save Europe!

Statement released at the Strasbourg event: We, the participants of the Roma Youth Conference in Strasbourg, are concerned about the current rise of extremism, racism and anti-gypsyism in many European countries, and particularly about the unbearable increase of violence and hatred in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary and other places across the Europe.

Fear not the Wrath of the Markets for just like the gods of the ancient world their days are numbered

The similarities between our present behaviour toward the almighty Markets and our ancestors’ toward their rather difficult to please gods could not be more obvious. We build Temples (Banks) to them, we obey their Priests (Economists) and we make sacrifices (health, education, welfare) to appease them. But the marble gods crumbled anyway; and Europe should learn from its past.

The Money Delusion: The Ultimate WMD (as Saddam and Gaddafi painfully learned)

The crisis in the economic system has been well anticipated by those who noticed the complex and esoteric way in which modern Monetarism creates scarcity through taking money out of a hat to lend it, but not making enough to repay with interests. Speculation then concentrates it. Challenges to such bizarre and poverty creating system are not tolerated. Oct 15th Wake Up Day.

Torture — a Very British Tradition?

The instructions were simple. “Get up you fucking bastard”, “Get up you fucking ape” screamed the soldiers, followed by kicks and punches. Sometimes the blows came from multiple fists and boots. Getting up meant squatting, half leaning against a wall, arms pointing straight out. This is known as a stress position.

The new moment and the War of the Markets

There are sufficient indicators to interpret that we have entered a new moment in international matters. What started in Tunisia and Egypt with the “Arab Spring” has extended to numerous countries on different continents: from the Outraged of Spain and Greece, to Chile where students are demanding free and good quality education through massive, non-violent demonstrations.

Statement of the Marches

After more of 1200 Km walking, the popular marches will arrive to Paris.

The September 17 the indignant marches will come to Paris where they will join to the global protest day opposite the economic and financial system. Their road will continue to Bruselas where they will claim a participative, real, and direct democracy.

The largest weapons supermarket in the world is now open for business in London

Every 2 years the Arms Fair comes to London, displaying the latest in technology for killing, maiming, repressing and changing regimes. This ensures that some private corporations in the UK remain at the vanguard of profiting from war and violence. Some of the most actively oppressive regimes are invited. The protesters are always there but the political will to stop it is not.

President Correa told it is time to choose – revolution or war with media

President Rafael Correa Delgado

Carondelet Palace

Quito, Ecuador

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