

Occupy London Stock Exchange sets up camp in the City: Press Release 15.10.11

Between 4000 – 5000 people gather in London’s Square Mile to voice their anger at the social and economic inequality in the UK and beyond, OccupyLSX holds first people’s assembly this afternoon to decide future plans for its occupation, People’s assemblies spring up near St Paul’s despite police refusing to allow protesters onto Paternoster Square [the LSX location]

15M Movement: “Youth Manifesto”


“Our call for change unites us.
We want a new society that gives people priority over economic and political interests.
We want to demonstrate that society has not gone to sleep, and that we will keep fighting for what we deserve by peaceful means.
We want all this, and we want it now.” (Sol, May 2011).

A Lost Generation Also in Rich, Industrialised Countries

Paris – Youth are hit disproportionately hard by the recession. In the first quarter of 2011, the unemployment rate for young people (aged 15 to 24) was 17.4% in the OECD rich, industrialised countries, compared with 7% for adults (aged 25 and over).

Is Health a Right or a Business? New legislation to privatise the UK NHS continues its march undeterred

The House of Lords appeared to create some hope that the Bill aimed at dropping the British National Health Service on the laps of private providers so that they can make profits with the health of the population could be defeated. But the vote was lost and the Bill continues its process towards final approval and implementation.

The London Rebellious Media Conference. Chomsky’s advise to the #Occupy movement

Noam Chomsky spoke at the RMC (Rebellious Media Conference) opening session about the #Occupy Wall Street events taking place in the last few weeks and his views on how this movement could become more efficient, more radical, more permanent and more focused on obtainable goals. He left no doubt of his support to this “end of apathy” as the most important thing happening today.

Break the chains of debt!

The system of debt continues to devastate the lives of people around the world. People in the South face the daily impacts and consequences of the financial indebtedness of their countries, which far from having been “relieved” is growing in step with the crisis and the pursuit of extraordinary profits by the most concentrated forms of capital.

Indignants movement arrived in Brussels. Last news: people were arrested at the park Elisabeth

Starting the 7 p.m. hikes of the Indignant movement arrived like planned at the park Elisabeth in Brussels. Hundreds were waiting for them in the park next to circa ten international media representatives. The highlight was when the hikers arrived close to the park and received a welcome, collective hug from those who were waiting.

UK UNCUT Occupies Bridge to protect the NHS from privatisation. Manchester also begins the Occupation

The British National Health Service is facing the biggest onslaught since its creation as a model of extremely cost effective universal health cover free at the point of delivery. UK Uncut occupied Westminster Bridge to defend it, as the Bill to privatise it goes to the House of Lords on Tuesday. Meanwhile in Manchester protesters begin the occupation of the Town Centre.

The Belgian police harasses the Indignates in Brussels

We publish here the press release that has circulated today from the Indignates’Media Center in Brussels.


3h30 – 8 Oct 2011



World’s Elderly Face Abuse, Stigmatization and Violence

They now total 700 million people. By 2050 they will be about two billion or over 20 per cent of the world’s population. Many of them are still vibrant and essential contributors to the development and stability. Yet, they are largely excluded from the wider global and national development agendas.They are the elderly–our parents and grandparents.

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