

Occupy London calls for an end to tax havens, for lobbying transparency and personal accountability for executives

Press Release Posted on November 28, 2011 by OccupyLSX (Occupy the London Stock Exchange). Initial statement of Corporations Policy Group ratified by Occupy London’s General Assembly. Occupy London asks corporations to engage in dialogue working together to create a socially responsible and sustainable economic system.

Britain heading for another recession but £2 billion for nuclear weapons, in spite of pledge to wait till the next election

According to the [Nuclear Information Service]( the Ministry of Defence has pledged at least £2 billion of spending on new developments at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), according to new information released in response to a Parliamentary Question from Caroline Lucas MP.

NO WAR in Syria – Urgent Appeal to Stop Foreign Military Intervention and to restore human rights and respect for legality

We, the undersigned non-governmental, human rights, and humanitarian organizations, urge you to mobilize the United Nations and the international community to take immediate action to halt any foreign military intervention against Syria, and instead, to act in good faith for a true mediation. Time is of the essence.

Of Dr. Strangelove and the Risk of Using Atomic Bombs

Berlin – In a situation reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb’, none of the nuclear weapon states is actively contemplating a future without nukes. On the contrary, the potential for using dreadful atomic arsenal is growing, says a [new report.](

The City versus the tented city of Occupy London – trial date set for 19 December

“While the City focuses on little piece of land, Occupy is concerned with creating a more just society”. We publish here a Press Release from Occupy London. Ronan McNern, supporter of Occupy London commented: “This is a positive result for Occupy London. Today the Corporation was trying to push for an unreasonable timeframe for court proceedings.”

France’s occupy movement fails to attract the crowds

In the middle of Argentina 3.000 people gathered, at the summit of a lost mountain.
Summoned by three local gurus, the flock anxiously awaited for the miraculous hour, 11:11
of the 11th date of the 11th month of year 2011, the moment when the 11th portal of cosmic
energy would open. It is a new beginning, so they claim.

Sub-Saharan Africa – Safe Water and Sanitation Targets Are ‘Two Centuries Away’

London – It will take two centuries for sub-Saharan Africa to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation, according to NGO WaterAid, which calls on national leaders to commit 3.5 percent of their annual budget to the sector.

UNESCO Halts Education, Fight Against Extremism Activities As U.S. Withholds Its Dues

Paris – The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will temporarily halt some activities owing to the $65 million budget shortfall resulting from the U.S. decision to withhold its dues.

Europe – The Vicious Circle of Paying Debts With More Debts

With two years of failed plans, pseudo-plans and announcements of plans, Europe has acquired a huge pile of debt and a decade of agony.

The Empire Strikes Back. Moves to evict #Occupations begin in several countries

New York, London, Zurich… Not a glamorous multinational but a seemingly coordinated action to evict protesters from campsites. “Health and Safety” reasons. Too many “vulnerable” people. Concerns from local businesses. Public Highway legislation… Why is it not spelt out? Occupations are drawing undue attention to the corrupt and dehumanising practices of the Financial Sector.

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