

ActiveWatch – MMA and Reporters Without Borders condemn acts of violence during protests

ActiveWatch – Media Monitoring Agency and Reporters without Borders condemn the acts of violence perpetrated against journalists by both policemen and protesters over the past four days. The two organizations also denounce basic human rights violations by the riot police, such as the right to free speech, the right to freedom of movement and the right to freedom of assembly

Occupy LSX loses Court battle to stay but gets congratulations from the Judge

Nobody expected the Occupy the London Stock Exchange campsite at St Paul’s Cathedral courtyard to win the Court Case for eviction brought about by the almighty City of London Corporation. However the support the Occupiers got from unexpected quarters points to some awareness that actually, they may be a real ray of hope in a crumbling system.

The Long Slow March to Nuke Abolition

“We want a nuclear weapons free world.” More than 80 percent of people around the globe have expressed this overwhelming desire to authors of a new report. But a close look shows that very little is happening rather slowly in terms of reducing nukes and putting a halt to proliferation. This is cause of profound concern also to atomic scientists.

Former PM may get off the hook

At 28. September 2010, the Icelandic Parliament (Alþingi) voted that Mr. Geir Haarde, former PM, should face charges of misconduct as PM. It was the first time in Icelandic history, Court of Impeachment (Landsdómur) was called together.
After going over the charges against Mr. Haarde, they threw out all but four out of eight charges.

March Nice – Athens in Rome: video reportage

The International March to Athens left the Italian capital, Dario Lo Scalzo share with us some video showing the moments of the visit in Rome
This March started from Nice to join Athens has just left Rome. We show the videos recorded during the roman stay

Marches Paris 2012 – Call to all French citizens

We will walk with one main objective: to be open to all in order to create a convergence in a common fight and in order to support the idea which consists in ​​creating a constituent assembly. A statement of precise claims is being currently written, and it will be presented during the marches and discussed during the citizens meetings which would be organized by theme.

Deadly Racism in Italy

Rome -“They expected that we were all dead, but we are still alive.” Silvano Sarti talks through a bullhorn to the people gathered in Dalmazia square, in Florence.

World Forum for Peace and Nonviolence in Greece

From 9 to 13th of November 2011 took place in Greece the Forum for Peace and Nonviolence in five different cities: Iraklion, Athens, Thebes, Corfu and Preveza. It provided excellent possibilities both for local activities and national coordination on the field of
nonviolence. It is already evident from various initiatives that came as a result of it.

The migration tide turns, again. Latin America, one of the favourite destinations

During the last two centuries over 60 million of Europeans travelled to the Americas escaping the great wars or looking for a better life. When Latin Americans travelled back to Europe running away from military dictatorships and economic debacles the walls came up in “fortress Europe”. As the economic crisis in the Eurozone unfolds migration is again changing direction.

OccupyLSX High Court hearing concludes – No decision until Jan 11th

After four and a half days of representations from the City of London Corporation, Occupy London (represented by John Cooper QC and Michael Paget on behalf of named defendant Tammy Samede) and two litigants in person, George Barda and Daniel Ashman, the OccupyLSX hearing has concluded at the High Court with Christmas wishes being given to and by all concerned.

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