

‘Most Ships Involved in Arms and Drugs Trafficking Are Based in Western Countries’

More than 60% of ships involved in reported cases of sanctions-busting or illicit transfers of arms, drugs, other military equipment and sensitive dual-use goods that could be used in the development of missiles and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are owned by companies based in the EU, NATO or other OECD states.

Bomb next to PM office in Reykjavik

The bomb had political messages stuck to it according to the web media []( but we don’t know what they said and if that is true.

Part of downtown of the city of Reykjavik was closed off by the police and the bomb squad, who were assisted by the “viking squad” of the police (SWAT in english).

Mediterranean, the Deadliest Sea for Refugees, Migrants

Geneva – The Mediterranean Sea has become the deadliest stretch of water in the world for migrants and refugees, according to a UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) new report.

Your money helped bail out some UK Big Banks. Do they know it isn’t Christmas?

Banks are lending very little to help the real economy – businesses and mortgages – but there are no shortages of bonuses for top executives. Huge payments to lobbying firms at home and in the US (whose activities are not covered by the Freedom of Information Act) have been used to influence policies that may curtail the financial sector’s licence to cream.

Romania: Politics and Business, Main Source of Corruption

Bucharest – Public administration, political parties and the business climate are the main contributors to widespread corruption in Romania, appearing as the most vulnerable pillars in the national integrity system analysis, according to a new report.

Angels Invest Where Banks Dither

For innovative young folks, angels are by no means mythical beings or messengers of God as depicted in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and the Quran. They are flesh-and-blood source of equity capital at the seed and early stage of company formation, particularly when banks are reluctant to lend.

Article by Ramesh Jaura

Nuclear Dangers, The World Is “One Minute Closer to Midnight”

Berlin – “We want a nuclear weapons free world.” More than 80 percent of people around the globe have expressed this overwhelming desire to authors of a new report. But a close look shows that very little is happening rather slowly in terms of reducing nukes and putting a halt to proliferation. This is cause of profound concern also to atomic scientists.

Four men

Four men, tied to Outlaws biker gang, have been charged with assault on Greek tourist in Iceland.

These four men, citizens from the nordic country of Iceland, are facing charges at Reykjavik district court today in connection with the beating up of Greek national that was traveling in Iceland during the last summer.

Europe Is Sick, the Whole World to Suffer

“Countries throughout the world will experience an economic slowdown this year as the sovereign debt crisis in Europe continues to unfold,” says a UN report.

Media Council deals serious blow to broadcasting pluralism

Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns yesterday’s decision by Hungary’s Media Council to strip Klubradio, the country’s only national opposition radio station, of its broadcast frequency within a couple of months.

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