

Extra-judicial executions by unmanned drones: from science-fiction to collateral damage

A court case in the UK will suggest that civilians engaged in aiding to guide unmanned aircraft to kill people in foreign countries may be committing serious violations of international law making them liable to prosecution. The high level of civilian deaths perceived as “collateral damage” further puts into question this novel form of political assassinations.

Middle East — France’s Fuzzy Face on Nuclear Abolition

Paris – If you ask the French ministry for foreign affairs about the country’s position on a Middle East free of nuclear weapons, the spokesperson will surely refer you to the statements by the French ambassadors before the UN both in New York and Geneva, and will repeat that France supports the global application of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Don’t Bank on the Bomb

A groundbreaking report released today by ICAN identifies more than 300 banks, pension funds, insurance companies and asset managers in 30 countries with substantial investments in nuclear arms producers. We print here ICAN’s letter to World Without Wars(1) and a link to this very important report that shows the banking system’s support to the biggest danger facing humanity.

The case of Chile. In Berlin Tomás Hirsch reveals the truth!

For many years, the image of Chile as a perfect example of the success of the neo-liberal model
has been exported to the world. In terms of social justice, this model has been a complete failure.
Today, when hundreds of thousands of Chileans are protesting on the streets, the world can
finally see the truth behind this image.

“The Case of Chile – The failure of the success story; from neo-liberalism’s triumph to the mass protests”

For years, the image of Chile as an example of the success of the neo-liberal model has been exported to the world. In terms of social justice, this model is a complete failure, since only a very small percentage of the country’s inhabitants have benefited from it. Today, when hundreds of thousands of Chileans are protesting on the streets, the world can finally see the truth.

Occupy London – four months on and this is only the beginning.

In spite of some legal setbacks the London Occupy movement continues to develop, mature and diversify in order to face the challenge of becoming a credible force for nonviolent change – political, economic, existential and spiritual – in a violent and dehumanising system. We reproduce here its latest newsletter as an update.

The truth about the Greek revolution emerges from the cloud of chemical war – part 2

Terrible images are circulating through the world’s media, chronicling the desperate plight of the Greek people as they try to stand up to their government and stop the destruction of their society. Kostas Klokas, who wrote for us back in September in graphic terms about a modern-day Greek tragedy and his hope for nonviolent struggle, updates his story.

Respect Dignity of Life, Convoke Nuke Abolition Summit

In a variation of the legendary slogan “make love, not war”, an eminent Buddhist philosopher is calling for a nuclear-free world in which genuine human security, sustainable development and unwavering respect for the dignity of life do not only comprise an ideal but constitute an entrenched reality.

Nuke Free Middle East Meet ‘A Priority Issue’

“I continue both personally and through my office to lend all possible support to formal and informal efforts and events dedicated to a timely convening of the 2012 conference. These efforts will continue,” Al-Nasser told Global Perspectives, IDN’s monthly magazine for international cooperation, in a wide-ranging, exclusive question-and-answer interview.

‘Governments Spend $1.4 Billion Per Day to Destabilize Climate’

Bad news, very bad news, for the survival of planet earth. On the one hand, politicians attempt to gain votes by claiming a kind to and iron-and-steel, unwavering commitment commitment to save humankind, reduce destructive greenhouse gas emissions and produce “green energy”. On the other, governments spend 1.4 billion dollars… per day… to destabilize climate.

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