

The rise of racism and sectarian violence. Humanism and Nonviolence must give stronger responses

Are we in a pre-widespread war or pre-genocide(s) moment? Or both? In the 1930’s several nations – amongst them the USA and Germany – suffered economic collapse and with it some of the worst examples of racially motivated slaughters recorded in history. And then, WW2. There are lessons to be learned and urgent work to be done to stop history repeating itself.

Local currencies appearing in Greece, like they did in Argentina after the 2001 debacle

When it becomes clear to everyone that the all-powerful economists have little to offer other than more cuts, more austerity measures, more insults (“go pay your taxes” or “you’re poor because you are lazy”), then people realise it’s up to them, and real human creativity takes over. That’s how a crisis becomes an opportunity.

Catharsis Eludes As The Greek Tragedy Unfolds

The EU continues to be unable to solve its crises. The risk of a default of Greece on repayment of its debt in the next 3 months, or of the country leaving the Euro has increased considerably

Hopes that the situation would calm down after the second rescues package for Greece in March 2012, combined with a non-payment of part of the debt to banks have proved illusory

Europe: Unemployment Affects 11 Percent of Active Population

The economy in the euro zone, formed by the 17 countries linked to the euro, registered a unemployment level of 11 percent of the active population according tolocal sources today.
The Statistics office Eurostat, said that the level is similar to the one reported last month, although it represents 1.1 percent more than the one in the same period of 2011.

WikiLeaks, War Crimes and the Pinochet Principle

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s protracted effort to fight extradition to Sweden suffered a body blow this week. Britain’s Supreme Court upheld the arrest warrant, issued in December 2010. After the court announced its split 5-2 decision, the justices surprised many legal observers by granting Assange’s lawyers an opportunity to challenge their decision.

We know Active Nonviolence works – because they are making it illegal.

Americans do it, Spaniards do it, Mexicans do it, Israelis do it, even liberal Canadians do it, let’s do it, let’s criminalise peaceful protest.
As many countries hurriedly pass new legislation – or simply apply “antiterrorist” laws – to forbid nonviolent action, this can only strengthen the resolve of the protesters to stick to it.

Spanish Teachers Support General Strike

Spanish teachers foretold a large participation in the general strike next Tuesday, to protest budget cuts in education decreed by the government of Mariano Rajoy.
After calling a million workers to support the protest, leaders of the 5 largest unions in the sector said that the strike will be an unprecedented success the aggression of the Popular Party (PP) to public school.

May 17th: International Day against Homophobia

World Health Organisation releases groundbreaking report condemning ’conversion’ therapies. We reproduce here a Press Release from [IDAHO](,1557) regarding today’s statment by the WHO on a form of violence against homosexuals based on unproven and harmful “therapeutic” interventions.

The Republic of the 99%

“More wood, this is war!” The train in the Marx Brothers’ film is the most accurate picture of present-day capitalism. Running away, fleeing forward, dismantling itself to further fuel the machine: destroying rights, guarantees, life, wealth, resources, care, bonds, the entire building of modern social civilization.

May 12th London. Camping at the Bank of England, Shareholders Rebellions and Hollywood.

Nobody thought that the Police would *actually* allow en encampment opposite the Bank of England, symbol of just about everything that is wrong with the present economic system. But a few tents went up after marching from St Paul’s Cathedral rally and the placards expressed the most important thing: a new generation is busy thinking about how to create a better world.

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