

Protest, repression and nonviolence in Greece

Since protests began in Spain, Athenians started to demonstrate in Syntagma Square (25th of May 2011), together with demonstrations in more than 30 cities across the country. We spent more than a month with a consistently large crowd gathered daily at the bottom of the square, where open assemblies practicing direct democracy were organized. The open meetings continued…

Corporate Power masquerading as Freedom of the Press: The UK concludes the Leveson Enquiry

Free Speech is a right unless you are a whistleblower like Julian Assange revealing uncomfortable truths. The rising power of the Media, “The Fourth Estate”, has seen a class of politicians increasingly trying to get on the good side of the…

NATO Pushing Europe into New Nuclear Arms Race

By Julio Godoy Between late 2009 and mid-2010, the German government, represented by its foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, made a case for dismantling B61 atomic bombs on German soil. The actual number of such weapons of mass destruction is a…

Churches Express Solidarity with Greece

By R. Nastranis Church leaders from around the world have expressed solidarity with the much pooh-poohed and crisis-ridden Greece in a two-day visit to the country during which they met Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and All Greece as well…

Humanist International supports 14N strike

Press release EUROPE IN CRISIS: HUMANIST INTERNATIONAL SUPPORTS 14N STRIKE The current crisis that we are living through in Europe is the crisis of a System which is driven by those institutions that are the holders of transnational finance capital.…

General Strike Sweeps Europe as Millions Reject Austerity as Solution to Economic Crisis

A general strike is underway across Europe today as millions are protesting spending cuts and tax hikes they say have deepened the region’s economic crisis. Spanish and Portuguese workers are coordinating their strike with work stoppages underway in Greece, Italy,…

UK: Cameron inflates jobs figures to justify arms promotion

The Prime Minister David Cameron has again defended government promotion of arms sales by relying on grossly inflated and out-of-date jobs figures, while ignoring human rights concerns. Dismissing critics as ‘squeamish’, Cameron justified the exports by again claiming 300,000 jobs…

In Spain, doctors resist by healing

Some of Spain’s hospitals and clinics have recently begun offering a new kind of public service. In an effort to defend the threatened health care system, thousands of doctors and their supporters have chosen to add civil disobedience to their…

The London New Putney Debates launch a new stage in the Occupy process

With presentations about the most pressing problems in the areas of Economy and (lack of) Real Democracy the New Putney Debates pick up the thread of revolutionary thinking that commenced in 1647, 365 years ago. The two weeks of sessions…

Toledo: themes and interchanges

The organisation Convergence of Cultures held a gathering over the weekend of the 27th and 28th of October 2012 at Park’s of Study & Reflection – Toledo. Erica Naomi Ishikawa, from Sao Paulo sent a message from the Brazilian organisation…

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