

Nuclear disaster in Chernobyl (1986)

A systems test in a Soviet graphite reactor goes out of control. The ensuing explosion releases enormous quantities of radioactive material, much of which spreads across huge swathes of Europe. Not only the surrounding region in Ukraine is contaminated, wind…

Thatcher’s Legacy Part Two

Margaret Thatcher’s funeral passed without much trouble. The Boston bombs had left the Police fearful of similar incidents and some protesters had managed a permission to turn their backs to the funeral procession as a sign of disrespect. Big Ben…

Day of protests marks Thatcher’s legacy

It was never going to be a quiet occasion. Margaret Thatcher’s death would always be a reminder of all the things that she did (“accomplished” for some, “perpetrated” for others) whilst she was Prime Minister, all 11 years of it,…

David Cameron promotes nuclear proliferation

On a visit to Scotland, the home of UK nuclear weapons, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron said, “We cannot be sure on issues of nuclear proliferation, and to me having that nuclear deterrent is quite simply the best insurance…

Hungary must retract law that makes homelessness a crime – UN experts

Two United Nations independent experts today urged the Hungarian Government to retract a recently passed amendment that criminalizes homelessness, stressing this will result in discrimination against those without shelter. “Through this amendment, the Hungarian Parliament institutionalizes the criminalization of homelessness and enshrines…

Petition for UK Work and Pensions Secretary to live on £53 per week reaches 300,000

On Monday’s Today Programme (Radio 4) David Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been cut, he lives on £53 per week. The next interviewee was Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who was defending…

April Fools in the UK, cuts, freezing cold, benefits freeze and no Spring in sight

Metaphors don’t come more satirical than this. The weather refuses to let Spring arrive, with the coldest Easter in living memory. The Chancellor chose April 1st, aka April’s Fool day, to effect the most draconian cuts to benefits and services…

Politicians and oligarchs empty their Cyprus accounts before the introduction of banking restrictions

The Cypriot opposition is demanding to have the identity of depositors who emptied their accounts before the bank restrictions revealed. The controversy is served.  In the early hours, a week last Saturday, when the Cyprus Government agreed the controversial tax…

Peace campaigners letter to Hague & Cameron: do not send arms to Syria

Stop the War Coalition opposes lifting of arms embargo on Syria – Letter to PM and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Corbyn MP will be joined by peace campaigners and activists in handing a letter in to the Foreign Office at 10.15am…

European Court decides that Spanish eviction law doesn’t protect citizens

By Pilar Paricio The European Court of Justice has judged that Spanish eviction law violates European Law as it doesn’t protect citizens from possible abusive clauses that banks have included in their mortgage contracts.  Specifically Spanish law prevents judges from…

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