

Emotions and promises for paths of nonviolence: NONVIOLENCE AWARD 2013

Rome, Italy. Presented the awards to schools, associations and photographers The Ceremony of Nonviolence Award 2013 has taken place in the boardroom of City Hall VIII (formerly XI) of Rome. Students of E. Fermi school of Macerata and of Ripetta…

Central London and 6 other town centres brought to standstill in mass civil disobedience across UK

Press Release LINK to photos here Roadblock protests have started in 7 towns and cities all over the UK with the protestors bringing central London’s Fleet Street to a standstill in opposition to the government’s proposed changes to legal aid.…

Why the NHS must be exempted from the US/EU free trade agreement

By National Health Action. The Health and Social Care Act and the regulations for implementing it change the nature of the NHS for corporate benefit. Obligatory competitive tendering effectively means privatising. And because this is the UK – a very…

UK Uncut response to Justice Secretary’s speech at Conservative Party conference: Roadblock protests will happen this weekend

PRESS RELEASE UK Uncut response to Justice Secretary’s speech at Conservative Party conference: Roadblock protests will happen this weekend Roadblock protests will go ahead this weekend, campaign group UK Uncut have confirmed, as the Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, reiterated plans…

US & Italy: 2 “Democracies” held to ransom by Big Money

U.S. Faces Government Shutdown in Obamacare Standoff By Democracy Now! The nation is on the eve of its first government shutdown in 17 years as the congressional standoff over the Affordable Care Act comes to a head. Just after midnight…

Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation Is Starting All Over The World

As we warned two years ago, “the muddle through has failed… and there may only be painful ways out of this.” Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog, Link to Critical Thinking, the free University Now that “bail-ins”…

Euthanasia alive and well and feeding on UK’s austerity measures

The invitation reads “10 Thousand Cuts and Counting is a ceremony of remembrance and solidarity led by disability activists, Occupy activists, Michael Meacher MP and the Dean of St Paul’s Cathedral for those who have had their lives devastated by…

Qualified Chadians in France Support Public Health, Higher Education at Home

GENEVA, Switzerland, September 24, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ — UNDP has allocated an additional USD 150,000 to the pilot phase of an IOM-UNDP-Government of Chad joint project: “Strengthening Public Health and Higher Education Sectors Services in Chad through Mobilization of…

Former Archbishop of Canterbury supports anti-Arms Fair activists

Dr Rowan Williams, who whilst Archbishop of Canterbury endorsed the 2009-10 World March for Peace and Nonviolence, has expressed his support for the anti-London Arms Fair activists stating: “I am very grateful for those who have courageously drawn attention to…

Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies

In “The Spirit Level,” Richard Wilkinson charts data that proves societies that are more equal are healthier, happier societies. Why you should listen to him: For decades, Richard Wilkinson has studied the social effects of income inequality and how social…

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