

Hans Blix tells UK it does not need Trident. But war is already a little nuclear

At the Hay literary festival Hans Blix, nuclear weapons inspector whose advice was spectacularly disregarded over Iraq’s WMD, has told the UK that renewal of its Trident nuclear capability with a cost of £100 billion would not serve any purpose,…

Activist and scholar to lecture on current Romani issues

Activist and scholar to lecture on current Romani issues by Aria Seligmann, UO Office of Strategic Communications MAY 22, 2013 Hungarian Romani activist Angela Kocze, currently a visiting Fulbright Scholar at Wake Forest University, will be at the University of…

UK attempting to block Europe’s Robin Hood Tax

The Robin Hood Tax, aka Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) or Tobin Tax was first proposed by John Maynard Keynes among others around 1936. Its purpose was to develop fairer taxation and curb speculation (today particularly relevant to rapid short-term currency…

Hungary: Rule of Law Under Threat

The systemic changes to Hungary’s legal framework introduced by the government since 2010 weaken legal checks on its authority, interfere with media freedom, and undermine human rights protections, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The continuing failure…

A financial transaction tax for Europe

Here are a few facts: 1) In the postwar period, the amount of money that Wall Street dealt with every year represented approximately 15 percent of the US GDP. In 1975 it was 17 percent, at the end of the…

UK Border Agency insists that Sri Lankans pay to get maimed so they can claim asylum

By Frank Arnold(1). Burnt with metal rods and cigarette butts? Maybe so, says the Border Agency, but you paid someone to do this to you. A surgeon with expertise in torture scars argues that ‘self-torture by proxy’ is a dangerous…

Russia bidding farewell to Soviet nukes

By J C Suresh | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis Russia is in the midst of a comprehensive modernization of its nuclear forces that began more than a decade ago. The upgrade, which involves replacing all Soviet-era ballistic missiles with fewer improved missiles,…

UK: BAE Systems can’t hide from difficult questions and disruptions

Supporters from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) turned out in force to shame arms giant BAE Systems at their Annual General Meeting AGM), accusing it of supporting repressive regimes through arms sales and unethical business practices. Acute questioning combined with high farce…

Disobeying to transform the world: A conversation with Enric Durán

By Marta Molina April 29, 2013 To commit an act of civil disobedience requires one to let go of their fear, understand their enemy and their enemy’s power. It must be rooted in good strategy and be supported by an…

Corruption in the so-called developed world. A few UK examples

Corruption is a problem in developing countries because poverty creates unbearable living conditions and early death. Money, for many, is survival and the moral problem of stealing (corruption being one form) may fade into the background. Corruption in the developed…

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