

Spain’s housing activists scale up squatter movement

Ter Garcia and Diego Sanz Paratcha November 18, 2013   What makes a movement turn into a landlord? Over the past two years in Catalonia, Spain, more than 700 people have made empty houses owned by banks their new homes…

The NSA has asked Linus Torvalds for access to GNU/Linux systems

By Christian Engström, Member of the European Parliament for Piratpartiet, [Pirate Party] Sweden The NSA has asked Linus Torvalds to inject covert backdoors into the free and open operating system GNU/Linux. This was revealed in this week’s hearing on mass…

Holland: Umbrella March against the detention of refugees at the border

This report has been sent to us by the Dutch Council for Refugees: Behind the dark glass there are refugees who are trying to get our attention by waving and jumping around. Suddenly we see a white sheet of…

UK councils may outlaw peaceful demonstrations

Campaign groups warn that peaceful protests could be outlawed across Britain because of a legislation, which grants councils new powers to criminalize behavior deemed capable of causing a “nuisance or annoyance.” Campaigners argue that the Anti-Social Behavior, Crime and Policing…

Letter: to Her Majesty The Queen about Britain’s tax havens

Her Majesty The Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA 5th November 2013 Madam [Your Royal Highness, Ed.], I write as director of the global Tax Justice Network and as former Economic Adviser to the States of Jersey. On 7th November the Tax…

Why France Played wrong tune in nuclear talks?

Interview with Abdolreza Faraji-Rad University Professor of Geopolitics & International Analyst By: Iranian Diplomacy (IRD) Q: Why is France seemingly against a nuclear agreement [between Iran and the world powers] and why is the French government, which used to play…

From Einstein to Magritte : Beyond our truths. Symposium of Center of Humanists Studies in Paris and Brussels

Throughout history, humankind has always taken its destiny into their hands determined to discover the secrets of the universe. Today, perhaps more than ever, such sustained effort coincides with rapid global change, causing much disorientation but also opening new horizons.…

What is at stake is the life and death of thousands of people

“FortressEurope” is Gabriele Del Grande’s blog. Gabriele’s blog subheading writes: “For six years I have been travelling around the Mediterranean sea, along the European borders, in search for the stories that make History. The History that will be studied by…

Where is the wrong? Arms trade on trial

Occupy London Press Release Protesters arrested for taking action against an international arms fair in London have vowed to defend their right to challenge the arms trade. A solidarity demonstration will take place in their support when they appear in…

A Year on from Malala’s Attack: Keeping Education out of the Battle

October 8, 2011. Article forwarded by the Réseau International Humaniste, member of the GCPEA, (New York) – One year ago tomorrow, school girl Malala Yousefzai was attacked by the Pakistani Taliban. This somber anniversary is a reminder of the perils…

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