

Ukraine: Deal Proposed to Hold Early Election After Deadly Violence

Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych announced concessions to his pro-European opponents on Friday, including a plan to hold early elections, but it remains unclear whether the opposition will accept the deal. At least 47 people died on Thursday in the most…

Barton Moss Camp makes the news across the pond

Fracking News UK, by Occupy London (See the full article here) “..nowhere does public opposition seem as tenacious and as vocal as in Britain, where the fracking industry, heartily backed by the Conservative-led government, is still in an embryonic stage.…

UK: Stop The Arms Fair: Charges dropped!

   Yesterday (Tuesday 18 February 2014) the CPS dropped its charges against the activists arrested during the day of action against the DSEI Arms Fair on 8 September 2013. Different activists had been charged with different offences including obstruction of…

Troika Becomes the Villain in a Greek Tragedy

ATHENS, Feb 19 2014 (IPS) – A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Greece and other recession-hit European countries as they undergo harsh austerity measures in exchange for a bailout. At the heart of it is the Troika, say trade unions,…

Court in Britain Rules Detention of David Miranda, Partner of Glenn Greenwald, was Lawful

A court in Britain has ruled police acted legally when they detained the partner of journalist Glenn Greenwald at Heathrow Airport under an anti-terrorism law. David Miranda was carrying documents leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden when he…

New film on what the Robin Hood Tax could do

“BILL NIGHY, ANDREW LINCOLN AND MORE IN OUR NEW FILM ON WHAT A ROBIN HOOD (FINANCIAL TRANSACTION) TAX COULD MEAN FOR EUROPE The year is 2024. Europe has had a Robin Hood Tax for ten years and have been using…

EU/US “Free” Trade Agreement and the UK National Health Service

Report from NHS/TTIP [Transatlantic Trade and Investment] meeting 3rd Feb 2014 at Unite building organised by StopTTIP [Notes compiled by Linda Kaucher] A meeting attended by about 80 people and Chaired by Melanie Strickland was convened to highlight what the…

Russia and Germany Against Interference in Ukraine

Moscow, Feb. 14 (Prensa Latina) Russia and Germany agree to be Ukrainians themselves who resolve the political crisis in their country, declared here today the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, at the beginning of conversations with his German counterpart, Frank-Walter…

European Ruling Ignites Freedom Debate

By Ray Smith for IPS A ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in relation to a Turkish national has kicked up a new row on anti-racism legislation. The court ruled in December that Switzerland violated the right…

The Housing Crisis Revealed: The affordable homes axed by Crown Estate and Prince Charles’s Duchy

February 8, 2014 by Nick Mathiason and Will Fitzgibbon for the Bureau of investigative Journalism Housing schemes developed by the Crown Estate and Prince Charles’s Duchy of Cornwall regularly fail to deliver the recommended number of affordable homes in a revelation described as…

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