

Privatisation will be irreversible unless the NHS is exempted from the EU-US Trade deal

Published by the National Health Action Party (UK) One of the main planks of our Euro election campaign is calling for the NHS to be exempted from the EU-US Trade deal, or the TTIP as it’s officially called. Most people…

Exposed: How the UK government has colluded with the UK finance sector against legislation to curb food speculation

In cahoots Link to the World Development Movement research published by Critical Thinking Published on Sunday, 26 January 2014 12:48 Defined as: colluding or conspiring together secretly, “in cahoots” exactly describes the unholy alliance between the UK government and the City…

Andruchowycz: Think of us. And so we will win, although they will be mad

By Ilya Varlamov.- In recent days, I get many requests from you to describe the current situation in Kiev and in Ukraine in general, to assess what is taking place, and to provide any vision of the near future. Because…

Appeal of the people of Ukraine to the International Community: please act now!

This is our last plea for help. Tomorrow they might disconnect our phones and internet, announce a state of emergency and kill us while the international community remains silent, upholding European values on paper only. People are dying for them…

Inequality at Davos

Published on Thursday, 23 January 2014 00:39 by Critical Thinking The World Economic Forum at Davos this week is discussing inequality. NBC News declared: “With the global economy slowly getting back on its feet, 2,500 delegates gathered in Davos, Switzerland…

Italy attaches great importance to relations with Iran: Former PM

Kourosh Ziabari – Tehran Times: Following the election of the moderate politician Hassan Rouhani as the Iranian President in the June 14, 2013 elections, the European countries have become more willing to interact with Iran on equal footings and based on…

Massive protests in Berlin against agricultural industry

Berlin, Jan 18, 2014. In a very colorful march about 30.000 people demonstrated with the slogan “We are fed up!” against critical aspects of industrialized agriculture. The topics were as diverse as the participants and the speakers on the podium:…

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chainstores

Freedom is something to use or lose – we must fight the antisocial behaviour bill Consumerism’s petty liberties have made us inhumanly passive. We’ve forgotten what freedom is, and how easily it is lost By George Monbiot for The Guardian…

Sacked for being gay in the Turkish Police Force

Osman (28) was a senior policeman who has recently been expelled from his position due to his sexual orientation. He served with the police for 6 years. Now he has filed a lawsuit to get his job back. He is…

The City, the banks and the EU – all in it together

By Tom Lines for New Internationalist. Reproduced with permission. A few times a year – we don’t know exactly how often – 52 people meet in a room in London. We think they meet in the Guildhall. While most ordinary…

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