

Protest assemblies plant seeds for a Bosnian Spring

By Mitra Nazar for Waging Nonviolence “We want to show our politicians what real democracy is,” said one young Bosnian protester in the streets of Sarajevo. “We’re building democracy from scratch, like the Greeks did,” commented another protester, who is a…

Roundtable: As Crimea Threatens Secession, Does East-West Split Hasten Ukraine’s Political Divide?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is rebuffing warnings from the U.S. and European Union as the crisis in Ukraine threatens one of the worst east-west standoffs since the Cold War. The pro-Russian Crimean Parliament has voted to hold a referendum on…

Appeal by the International Charitable Foundation “Roma Women’s Fund “Chirikli” and Roma Council of Ukraine

We, representatives of the Roma community appeal to the politicians, armed forces, and to all those, who have influence on the future of our country. We stand for a firm commitment to the principle of integrity and inviolability of the…

Business as usual for UK bankers

[divide] “The bosses of Britain’s biggest banks are on course to be awarded millions of pounds in share payments to circumvent a Brussels-imposed bonus cap – a move that risks inflaming the toxic row over City pay deals. “The new…

Leaked EU Call: Opposition Behind Sniper Shootings in Kiev

[clear][divide] In other news from Ukraine, a leaked phone call has bolstered claims anti-government forces were behind sniper attacks on protesters in Kiev last month. Both sides of Ukraine’s political divide blamed the other when dozens of people were killed…

Peeping Webcam? With NSA Help, British Spy Agency Intercepted Millions of Yahoo Chat Images

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! The latest top-secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal the National Security Agency and its British counterpart, the the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) may have peered into the lives of millions of Internet users…

Toxic bedfellows. Lessons from Ukraine, Syria, Egypt and oh, so many other places

“The situation in Ukraine is evolving by the hour.  Right wing ultranationalists and their “liberal” collaborators have taken control of the Rada (Ukrainian parliament) and deposed the democratically elected, though utterly corrupt and incompetent, President Yanukovich. Former Prime Minister, and…

UK Law: CPS witness care staff cut by 57%

By Maeve McClenaghan and Oli Wright  for the Bureau of Investigative Journalism The Crown Prosecution Service has cut the number of staff it employs to look after witnesses, some of whom are victims of crime, by more than half in…

Swiss Vote for New Squeeze on Migrants

[divide] By Ray Smith for IPS ZURICH, Switzerland, Feb 23 2014 (IPS) – Swiss voters have approved an initiative by the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) aimed at limiting immigration. The result not only threatens the free movement of people,…

UN Calls for Talks in Ukraine

United Nations, Feb 24 (Prensa Latina) U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called today for holding an inclusive political dialogue in Ukraine after an uprising overthrew President elect Víktor Yanukóvich and de facto authorities assumed power. Ukraine: New Acting Gov’t Requests…

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