

Do we still have to look at employment as the focus of our lives?

Eureka’s position on the proposals for social equality of some political parties, in the context of the general election of 23/07/2023 In the campaign for the general elections of 23 July 2023, the “universal inheritance” is being raised in the…

Carbon farming: agriculture that helps the environment (and humans)

The global agricultural sector is grappling with the first, but already devastating, effects of the climate crisis. Recent events affecting Italian agriculture represent a perfect as well as tragic example of this. Prolonged periods of drought followed by destructive floods,…

Resolution passed in the House: opportunity for concrete steps for nuclear disarmament

The organizations promoting “Italy, Think Again” (“Italia, ripensaci”) (an initiative launched by Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo e Senzatomica – the Italian Peace and Disarmament Network and Senzatomica – as partners of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) welcome…

NGOs’ complaint to the European Commission: the new Italian law on migratory flows limits search and rescue activities at sea

The Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione) (ASGI), EMERGENCY, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Oxfam Italy and SOS Humanity are filing a complaint with the European Commission to request an examination of the new Italian…

Looking for the shadow

We are facing a very hot summer, with extreme heat waves and with serious consequences for our own health, with unpredictable storms, a so-called hot snap, strong air, and suffocating days, which has repercussions on people’s health. Last year, 11,000…

Stop Border Violence: collecting one million signatures in Europe kicks off

Starting today, July 10, [2023], you can support the European Citizens’ Initiative “Stop Border Violence.” It is the European Union’s only participatory democracy tool. By collecting one million signatures within one year’s time, European citizens can force the Commission to…

Protect Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian objectors

Russian pacifist, democratic, civil, and human rights movements are directly addressing the European Union, Commission, and Parliament to demand immediate and concrete measures to protect conscientious objectors and all those in Russia who refuse to participate in the war and…

Ukraine: planting seeds of peace and social cohesion despite war

An interesting and unedited report on the situation in Ukraine was published on July 10 in the Vatican News press agency, which reveals news not disseminated by the Italian press. We offer you a summary. In Ukraine, after having been…

Six years after the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

When the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – TPNW, the treaty that immediately bans the atomic weapon for signatories, was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on July 7, 2017, the nuclear club countries (the United States,…

Viewpoint: What After Banned Cluster Bombs to Ukraine?

By Ramesh Jaura “Have you noticed,” said John, “how countries call theirs ‘sovereign nuclear deterrents,’ but call the other countries’ ones ‘weapons of mass destruction’?” I am reminded of this quote from David Mitchell’s ‘Ghostwritten’ while reading how President Biden…

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