

March for Freedom – Police brutality faced by the refugees on their way to Brussels

Amir, a member of the March for Freedom of the refugees to Brussels, explains what the March is all about and what happened at the 5th of june in Luxemburg. Transcript of a video posted by Luxemburg Wort. What is…

Finally the Comiso Airport will be renamed after Pio La Torre

by Francesca Piatti “I am overwhelmed with emotion on learning that the Airport of Comiso will be given the name of Pio La Torre once again, that of the mafia-killed Union Leader and Italian Parlamentarian, whose strong and brave contribution…

A Russian chicken and a NATO egg. Or, is it the other way round?

Democracy Now! reports that “President Obama has met with Ukrainian president-elect Petro Poroshenko as part of a continued swing through Europe. Obama sat down with Poroshenko in Poland after calling on Congress to support a $1 billion plan to ramp…

Spanish Protesters Call for Referendum on Monarchy as King Abdicates

In Spain, King Juan Carlos has announced he will abdicate the throne to his son Prince Felipe. The king was selected by dictator Francisco Franco and crowned after Franco’s death in 1975. He has suffered a recent dip in popularity.…

I wasn’t invited to Bilderberg 2014

The Press is suffering from conspiracy theory fatigue. Sixty years on, the economic para-state continues to meet, now at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen, for its annual jamboree, gathering bankers, industrial and business moguls, their press lapdogs and the politicians…

Spain HP at odds over worth of joint actions

The five members of the European Parliament (MEPs) achieved by Podemos* reignite some questions about whether or not joint actions of the Humanist Party (HP) with other forces was or is worthwhile. This short writing aims to give a view…

Ukraine & Syria: Elections of Mass Destruction

by Tony Cartalucci, NEO – TRANSCEND Media Service Elections pushed ahead in Ukraine, obstructed in Syria, so mass murder can continue. The West’s weaponization of democracy. Early polls began for Syria’s presidential election, as the country begins turning the tide against…

Spanish State: After the abdication of the king, it’s time to checkmate the regime

The regime is collapsing, it is dying and in its last-ditch struggle to survive, the king has abdicated. Never has the regime resulting from the Transition [[The Transition is the name given to the political process following the death of…

“Advergames”: new tricks to sell junk food to children

Channel 4 News, UK, reports on the new trend to circumvent legislation brought in to limit the typo of advertising that can be directed to children. “Companies including McDonald’s and Coca-Cola should be stopped from designing apps and online games…

Where Will The New Europe Go?

In this column, Roberto Savio, founder and president emeritus of the Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency and publisher of Other News, wonders where Europe is heading after the results of the end of May elections to the European Parliament.…

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